Priest/ Shaman and Druid LF 1 Day [Draenor]

Hello guys,

a friend and I are looking for a 1-day raid guild on Draenor.

I’m playing heal right now (Disc and Resto shaman), he’s playing a druid (flexible in terms of role).

Our goal is to at least clear full heroic and do some mythic bosses (of course this isn’t the easiest goal with only a single raid a week).
Additionally we’d like to push high M+ keys.

Raiding days could be monday, tuesday, thursday…

We used to raid semi-progress (during WoD and Legion), but haven’t really done anything serious in the last few years, although we are willing and eager to bring everything what’s necessary for a successful progress.

If you got any question or anything, add me Halifax#21973

Not exactly what you’re looking for but we’re putting together a guild aiming to raid one day a week, Sundays 18:00 - 22:00 server time. The goal is to clear normal then start at the heroic level. It’s a guild under construction right now but if interested take a look at [H] <Epochal> One day weekend raid (N/HC), looking to build close knit group and feel free to reach out with any questions

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