Professions and alt related

///Professions and alt related: ///
I would love to see a feature where you can ask your alt characters to perform some profession duties and have the items mailed to you! It takes a lot of time to log your other characters and when you have all the reagents. There is right now not enough time to log my other characters. I have a full time job and I am doing sport every day. See for example the command table in the renown temple. Where you can command them to perform tasks. That would be a nice upgrade for Wow

From an economy perspective this is a terrible idea.

It’ll just add yet another automatic feature to a part of the game where those with the right tools vastly outperform the others.

It’s already hard enough to compete, let’s not throw in a new feature which will further assist them while only providing little benefits for most of the playerbase

There’s no rush, take your time with your professions and you’ll get there eventually. If you can’t afford to spend 5min per alt to craft your things then perhaps you didn’t really needed them right now and can just leave it for later


I got an engineer, a jewelcrafter, and a leatherworker. I am an alchemist and a enchanter.

i dont like this idea at all.

in my opinion blizzard needs to move away from this complete selfsufficiency. it should be way harder to master a profession. right now professions are useless as is and doesnt need even more automation.

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Usefull?? I make good money with professions

Depend on what you find useful. For goldmaking it might be useful perhaps, but items for raiding maybe useless

NOt for raiding?? You do not to enchant your gear and use flasks??

It still depends. If you are not raiding, no. Ans besides alchemy is properly one of the professions with most competition.

Even for mythic+4 and higher enchants, food and flasks are recommended

I like the idea. It would save time in swapping and mailing. Not that it is that hard to swap to alt, make something and then mail item but this would save the hassle.

Having account bank vault would also be something that would make things nicer. Or account wide bag/bagslots, where you can put items all your characters use.

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Yes an account bank vault would be awesome. I forgot that I have a blacksmith as well.

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