
Then other gear needs to be upgraded… there is just no way, that getting better rewards by walk-through-even-if-severely-drunk delves with like 580 ilvl and a toon that did not yet existed 3 days before than by completing heroic raids is a good thing.

Raids problem is the group loot system.I don’t see any other problem beside that.Which imho needs changing yesterday.

You would still get better loot in the weekly delve vault than by doing heroic raiding. This would not be solved at all by implementing personal loot again.

oh really? Look at you, refusing to play other than one part of the game demanding everything that other players have for different activities. That’s pure crying over the game. Play the content for the reward you want to get. Just play it, and if you really don’t like it the game is not for you. Stop with this nonsense.

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He cant even read… sad.

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Are you not getting hero gear for defeated bosses in vault?

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610 after finishing heroic palace vs. 616 for level 8 delves.

How many crests do you get for a raid?And as far as I have seen its 610 for first 2 bosses…not all.

Aren’t raid weapons and trinkets usually better than equal itemlevel ones from other content?

Besides, raids are a more reliable way to get crests to upgrade gear, to go past 619 (Champion tier) itemlevel, we need Gilded crests, which (Sticking to Delves) rely on RNG for either Zek’vir to show up, or Delver’s bounty to drop.

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Full clear of Nerub’ar is 90+30, 90 of the ones for that difficulty, court and Ansurek drop 15 eacs of one level above (So carved in lfr, Runed in N, gilded in HC)

Depends entirely on the class, spec, and level of play.

For ex an UnholyDK or BM hunter is better served with M+ trinkets than any from the raid (Skardyn’s in particular from SV), regardless of level, And some weapons from delves at heroic level can actually be better than anything from the raid at the same itemlevel, most notably 2 handers both melee and caster, simply due to the stat distribution. For ex the haste /versa staff (Arathi Holy whatchamacallit I think…) for demo-locks.

I actually wanted him to answer just so he can understand he s getting other benefits which delvers don’t.

True, barring a huge amount of Delve grinding, or immense luck (To get more tries at Zek’vir/Bounties, i know it’s a lot of grinding because i’m doing it on my Warlock alt), Delve gear effectively caps out at 619, whether gear is Champion or Hero tier doesn’t really matter if you don’t have the crests to upgrade it, anyway.


Yeah, but those benefits are no real benefits. You already get 3/6 hero track gear from the delve vault , so you end up hero geared quickly, only needed runed crests for one upgrade on this gear (4/6). Then you need golden crests, that you only get by mythic raiding. You have no real need to do any normal or heroic raids for the crests (except for the last 2 bosses)…

And that was my whole point… that content like heroic dungeon, lfr and normal raiding is useless after gearing by doing delves and this gap being much too high. And you cant deny the gap is too high if you are easily able to clear level 8 delves with gear that you are not allowed to join even lfr raids with (depending on class selection though, my mage had a much harder time than e.g. my warlock).

At a rate of 1 Item per week.. Slightly faster if you get lucky and find Maps. I haven´t see one on any chars in about a month, but I rarely do them anymore except on low alts when I´m bored or it happens to be the weekly.

So, quick math… The Season has been going on for 12 weeks.

So if you got lucky and pulled something actually useful every week (yeah, right… :rofl: ) You´l be full hero geared last week of December /first week of january, depending on whether you can use a 2 hander or need main+offhand.

You do have a point, but it´s not quite as strong as it initially seems when taken at face value :wink:

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That does not change the fact, that anything i got from delves (+ the many hero pieces) make getting upgrades from heroic dungeons, lfr and normal raiding (almost) impossible, leaving those activities useless. This is not good for the game, and especially for new players, as they have to jump from easy-peasy content to actually very hard content (like heroic raids) to get further upgrades.
The normal approach I would expect would be to have finished delve content (which will likely always be among the first activities of new or inexperienced players) I could switch to something slightly more difficult, that at the same time still allows me to get slightly better upgrades and keep some motivation to do stuff.
This is not the case in the moment, and I think this is not good game design and should be changed in the future.

That’s not how that works btw. Raid vault just gives you the items the bosses drop as the bosses would drop them, so it’s 610-619 depending what boss the item comes from. It’s also all hero track which means it’s functionally the same.

That fact however only applies to players that view itemlevel progression as the only reason to ever engage with any of the game’s content.

But this is in no way everybody, though admittedly it seems to be significantly more players than I personally consider to be healthy for the game as a whole, as if people aren´t playing the game for actual fun but apparently solely for the pruple pixels, that´s a symptom of much bigger problems…

My guild for example has been around since early TBC, and the only thing most of us care about is having fun playing together. Whether that´s in a Nhc altrun, in a delve, or progressing past heroic into Ulgurax Mythic is irrelevant for us as long as we´re having fun playing with each other. We literally slashed our raid roster by 25% just last week, because it became apparent that we had inadvertently invited players who no longer care to play with us as soon as they have curve and their gear… they can all go pound sand next season. :wink:

One might argue that with the “Kill the end boss for the quest”-mode (Forgot the name), and dropping Veteran gear, LfR is already pointless, and 5-man heroics have been in a sort of limbo for years, so why gimp Delves just to keep them relevant?

Normal raiding is a closer call, it drops more crests, so that can be its niche, but i generally oppose gimping Delves just to prop up other game modes, all because a relative handful of people have adjustment difficulties from T8 Delves to M+ or Raids (Don’t you use gatekeeping-addons like R.IO, anyway?)

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I’m not generally a fan of nerfing delve ilvl but I do think there’s not really much reason the vault gives hero track from them. It could just as easily keep the ilvl but be champion and not impact those who exclusively play delves. The gilded crests to upgrade to 626 aren’t available, and what little you do get from converting are better spent on a crafted weapon.

It’ll also get rid of the “My gear says 4/6 it should be able to be 6/6” argument.

When I started gearing…in the very first days of the season this was the path I took(for alts ofc you’ll get some catch up which would allow you to get into anything a tad easier).And in no way was a 8 or even 7 doable by a 580,I still doubt it is now but thats another discussion.
Downgrading is not the way.