PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 3)

Warcraft 3. Grom makes amends for getting gorged up on demon juice by killing Mannoroth and freeing the orcs from his blood pact forever.

But even then, note that:

  1. It’s very debatable whether this one good deed at the end of Grom’s life makes up for all the evil he did as part of Gul’dan and Ner’zhul’s Hordes.
  2. Grom’s redemption happens after the Prophet tells Jaina to suck it up and help Thrall and his free orcs despite past grievances, because there are bigger things at stake.
  3. Grom never makes amends to the night elves, the most wronged party (not counting the draenei back on Draenor), and in fact while Tyrande’s stated motive for fighting the joined orc-human expedition is Grom killing Cenarius, this is not mentioned at all when the three factions team up.