PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 3)

world soul (light) not world soul (arcane)

It was Agath-- AZERITE All Along!


We’re so back.

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I don’t get it? Is beledar a giant piece of Azeroth’s World Soul Essence? Why does it work different then Azerite? What happened to Azerite?


Its less “Azerite” and more like, Pure Gold Worldsoul Bone, and since Azeroth’s worldsoul is apparently completely gold I imagine that’s why Beledar is the same. Although there is an azerite rain weather in Hallowfall sometimes where Beledar does look a tad blue during it.

Between the heart, blood, and now bone, we’re fast approaching a complete game of Azeroth Operation.


Trying to make sense of it within the setting, Meronspell’s on the right track by saying that Beledar and crystals like it are like Azeroth’s bones, while Azerite is like Azeroth’s blood.

From a storytelling point of view however, I think this is Blizzard under Chris Metzen realising that the Azerite story of BFA was a complete waste of potential, so they’re giving it another shot and seeing if they can wrap it up properly this time.


It is admittedly a…boring? answer but it does explain the 500x dialogue lines in Hallowfall about “haha wow… did you know beledar and the keystones of the Arathi are like suuuuuper similar to azerite, like almost 1:1, haha isn’t that a craaaazy coincidence”. It’s also preferable to yet another mystery box that Blizzard will fail to ever do anything with I suppose, but yeah, it’s a boring but logical answer.


Why not just continue with Azerite? Since it was a dud of a storyline, without any real conclusion, anyways?

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The Heart of Azeroth has appeared in activating a few things in TWW, plus Magni gave the Earthen some Azerite juice. Seems they are sort of padding out some of it going forward.


It’s being worked on by top men.


I mean, I get it. Azerite certainly wasn’t given the weight it should have back in BfA but it’s jarring to have this dead plot suddenly revived.

Everyone has/had gotten a hand of it, not just our main factions. Something that should have urged some kind of revolution in many areas just didn’t. The blood of a planet or a “God” sure should have sparked a few religions/cults across the planet. Damn can you imagine if the Tauren went full crusader over the Earth Mother?

Anyway, at least it’s now got the rare privilege of being remembered and used more than once as a plot thread, thin as it is.

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i bet beledar could help seal one hell of a WOON champion

plug that directly into the hole in silithus

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We’d need to pull the sword out first, though.

i can do it

The first time Azeroth bled it created the Well of Eternity and an entire empire got built around it. BFA, it make gun boom harder.

To be honest this is just unsettling. Xal behaving like a combination of Sylvannas and the Jailor, Alleria going all Tyrande, delves being hyped like Torghast was only to be a damp squib like choreghast. And now azerite rears its crystally head again. I am not comfortable with all these similarities to and call backs to really bad parts of BFA and slands.

We’d also have to carry Beledar off too.
And what if it goes voidy in transit? You’ll get ants.

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i’m just the ideas guy. it’s someone else’s job to action it

that’s why they pay me the big bucks


I like them tbh, but I’m probably part of the target demographic as well.

More to your point though, Torghast was literally mandatory for any meaningful progression. The same doesn’t apply to delves.


I personally enjoy the plot of it being related to Azerite/the World Soul. It’s nice to see that they’ve brought back that plot amidst everything.

I suppose we’ve got the “What sword?” meme to blame for why it took this long to get back into the mainstream story.