PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 3)

Another Allied race that should’ve been a customisation option D:

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I think Earthen work better as their own thing.

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I respect your opinion, Peak in the Distance, but you’re clearly wrong on this!

Dark Iron, LFdraenei, HMtauren and crap gnomes should have been race skins.
Earthen I think work better separately.
Also, I want to see more gearless and "hair"less ones.

The drop rate on this Earthen gear ensemble quest stinks.


If they can design armors that fit both tauren and human, or pandaren and gnomes, then they could have designed armors that fit dragonkin/dracthyr as well.

It’s laziness, plain and simple.


The more i look at it the more it resembles some scalie OC from deviantart whose feed is full of sonic the hedgehog and spyro fanart.

They stand out so much from the rest of the races in the game. Hell, even several of their weapon animations and weapon scaling is very wonky. Shields for example scale very weirdly to an extremely small size, while some other weapons are absolutely enormous.

It’s so clear to me that they shipped it half-finished. I even remembered when people called out how god-awful they looked like and in panic they said, " Don’t worry we will have body types available! ", which did almost nothing to make them look bulkier…


I think shields/weapons is a bit of a non-argument, in that it’s an issue across races and across factions.

Some are way too small on some models. Some are way too big. Look, I just -holds up ‘daggers’ and ‘small’ swords in Worgen female model- What the HELL is this?!

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Size of weapon is a reason I use a blue dagger from vanilla for Jenit’s transmog.


Female Worgen : You call that a knife? This is a knife! Unsheath a flipping sword.

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It’s so frustrating! I’m stuck using a Classic Era Rapier, in all its polygonal ‘glory’, because the likes of the Kul-Tiran and Proudmoore cutlasses might be much higher resolution, but they ALSO look like 2H weapons used 1H ._.

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Are the Venthyr rapiers not useable either?

They are usable, but for most races the hilts are far too big for their hands. It seems like the weapon is made for Pandaren rather than humans or elves, as it has been often enough lately.

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The blade length is a little ludicrous on a Worgen, and also the bat-hilt design, IMO, just doesn’t match a lot.

Also, the Curse Of Colour Matching (lack of) strikes again heh

Why. What is it you think you are getting out of this trade?

Condemning Blizzard for being lazy whilst flagging them down to tell them where to cut corners.

I’d rather have just my 6 beard customization options at the barber’s if I can keep a unique introduction and more depth to a unique clan. - It’s not a lot but at least it is something.

Imagine if they put that effort into Darkfallen/Manari customization options, you’d spawn in the forsaken starter zone/Deadscar or Outland area, which could give you an introduction to new players. - Just the tiniest efforts to explain the why/how a little more.

You know there is a questline available to unlock the Man’ari customisations, which explains how and why they’re playable, right?

Then there is also the fact that the Draenei heritage quest expanded upon it, explaining even further in depth as to how and why they are there and how they’re viewed by the other Draenei…

Sure, it might not be a starting zone or anything, but its not unexplained nor do they lack an introduction for new and old players alike as to how and why they’re customisation options/playable, nor are they treated the same as Draenei(gameplay-wise, sure but everyone is treated the same gameplay-wise).

Down the line, Eredar customisations and Allied Race are introduced almost the same way, with the only real big difference being that Eredar don’t have their own starting zone. Both Eredar customisations and Allied Races take a questline to become playable, though

I’ll give you the Darkfallen, though. They were introduced in a very weird and strangly unexplained way and especially the Alliance ones were and 50% still is up in lore limbo as to what they’re status with the Alliance is (looking at you, Void Elf Darkfallen)


Having thought about it.

Yeah, ok these Earthen do work better as their own (Alliance) allied race, they’re distinct enough from the Uldaman, Ulduar, and Deepholm Earthen.

Still think they’re Alliance-coded tho!

They can add unique introductions to unique appearances/classes, so customisations wouldn’t be far off.

So if you’d pick Dark Iron, mag’har, Highmountain, Kul Tiran, or LFD options on the racial customisation screen could give you an unique intro without clogging your screen with races that should’ve been customisations.


If the likes of BG can do race → sub race, I dunno what anyone else’s excuse is.


Will never not feel jarring seeing them running around Orgrimmar.


There are actually people playing Horde Earthen?


There are, there was a rather good one in Org the other night too!

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