
BFA was a bit like that with Horde and Alliance getting different storylines but that was justifiable. Having everyone on the same content, zones, etc. but boxing them into set categories is definitely far more restrictive.

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Yeah… I should have been able to tell something was off… Can you get Loremaster for Drustvar/Stormsong/Tiragarde Sound while being Horde? Questing areas in older content very often are different for factions but at least you can get the zone quest achievements regardless.

there has already been people on the beta asking for specific covenants in the group finder, so yes it will definately happen before the run starts, as it does with everything else, when i sign for a pug i get whispered asking what spec i play. depending on my answer i get invited or ignored.

being horde or aliance is a big choice that affects the RP value, covenants are not, they are adding things to the game that are called class abilities and telling you that even if you pick that class you are not allowed the use 75% of them.

the horde and aliance split has been in since the original game, its a cornerstone of the entire franchise, and yet now they are just adding in new systems to make gameplay awkward for the sake of it and limiting people from swapping abilities that are designed the exact same as talents for arbitrary reasons

So Blizzard are actually allowing us to swap covenants. There seems to be some kind of time-gating in place for this. It’s definitely a step forwards, but it’s a step forwards in the wrong direction! It seems it could take up to three weeks to swap, but we’re not quite sure on the details just yet. I’ll like a timestamped Preach video for reference below.

Blizzard allowing us to swap Covenants goes against what they want the Covenants to be. The only real reason people would want to swap covenants is to have access to the player power that comes with them. We know that sometime during the expansion, the covenant abilities will be tuned and this will likely change the meta for each spec. Thus people will migrate to whatever becomes best for their class/spec. If this swapping were to take more effort than changing talents, then the system is still a nightmare to those of us that care about our performance.

Again, the issue here is that Covenants are tied to player power. The issue is NOT one of swapping covenants. I don’t want my Paladin to be anything other than Kyrian, or my druid to be anything other than Night Fae. I love those covenants for those respective classes. But when Divine Toll sees the nerf hammer at some arbitrarily chosen point in time, and e.g. Necrolord becomes my BiS covenant, best believe I will swap to Necrolord for the sake of my performance. I don’t want to do that. I want to stay Kyrian, but I will be compelled to swap regardless.

The above argument is just for one spec of my class, mind you. I pity everyone that has different BiS covenants for their different specs and then again for the different game modes that favour other covenants. This system is just a total mess.

The solution? #PullTheRipcord! Remove player power from the covenants. I’d be perfectly happy being locked in to a Covenant for the entire expansion, if only I had access to each of the respective abilities regardless of what covenant I’m in. Everyone wins! The casuals don’t get affected because the player power doesn’t mean much to them anyway, and they still get all the other benefits (which they would’ve gotten anyway!) of being in the covenant of their choice. This change will also make the game so much better for those of us that care about performing optimally.

Blizzard. We’re not asking to swap Covenants. We’d be happy with a 3 month grind to swap covenants. At this point I’d be happy to be locked in to a covenant forever. Just break the bond between the covenants and their player power.


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Seems Blizz has actually woken up to how much of a mess they’ve made.

I’ve said it a million times and I’ll say it again…

Blizzard… Pull the Ripcord!!!

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The whole story is about borrowed power.
Sylvanas and the Jailer
Players and the covenants.
Covenants and Anima.

The story of SL is literally just tiers of Borrowed Power.

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