Punishment for exploits?

I never ever said about azure/chrono.

  • If somehow you can make 999 transmutes when game UI says 1 of 7, its an exploit of a bug.
  • If you can make only r3 enchants with vellums the way that got fixed its an exploit of a bug.

However having some old but entry level player saying that because i did more dirt digging than someone else or i did profession shuffle -by the way reputation was ONLY ONCE PER WEEK PER PROF, exploiting would be to somehow get rep from SAME prof’s quest repeatedly- should get punished is stupid, end of story.

Quote from the original post: https://eu.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/en/wow/t/punishment-for-exploits/433215/7

**"Historically blizzard has shown that an exploit is when you abuse a unintended game mechanic that should not have been there from the start. **

In my opinion they should be punished for this and there is a precedent here."

I explained what an unintended game mechanic above: crafting r3 enchants, unlimited transmutes, or somehow being able to get reputation from SAME PROF’S QUEST. We could say that “dropping a prof for first crafts mettle is also unintended” care to explain why its still in game? Its an unfair advantage and you can guarantee more r5 with insight than me that i cant drop my 2 profs. Mettle also was TIMEGATED.

Please read some posts here again and chill, no one is taking your gold here, we just can’t, relax.

When a overpowered class gets nerfed to the same level as all the other classes do you hear that class crying on the forums about them not being able to 1v5 anymore? No because they know that the situation their class was in was unbalanced and DESERVED a nerf. Same thing with you goldmakers that made 100k for 1 fee, that is not how blizzard intended it to be, they intended people to be somewhat on the same KP level and therefore it would then be controlled by supply and demand.

“Yo everyone, im a finance guy RL and you guys dont understand economics as well as i do” Lol cringe 16 year old, do you really think you have to have an MBA to understand wows economy?

In a game as comples as WoW unfortunately it is bound to happen. The only thing Blizzard can control is how to respond and I think they are doing very poor job, mostly because the majority of players don’t care. That’s the goal of the topic, thanks for reading.

If you continue reading the next 2 posts you will see that there was a misunderstanding. When i typed that i was talking about the specific proffs KP increases you could get, not dragonshards. I now know that it wasnt a discrete KP change from infinite KP points per week, to capped per week. Instead the fix was continuos, meaning that they just reduced the droprate % by alot.

Μy character’s profile is up, you look it up if you want https://worldofwarcraft.blizzard.com/en-gb/character/eu/burning-blade/elycie/achievements/feats-of-strength/mounts

Lets make some elementary school level maths. You said im a 16 years old cringe. Ok, lets check my achievements to get a rough estimate how old i might be.

2023-2008 = 15~ so by your logic me being 16, that means i started playing when i was few months old. If you see something cringe, stop looking at your mirror please. If you need gold make some real life money and buy a token. It’s both simple and legal. Guildies of mine do it all the time, someone has to spend real life money on these tokens anyway.

I said i make gold because i LIKE goldmaking, i dont make gold because i NEED gold. I can both afford the game and buy tokens to trade for gold if i want its not a big deal. It’s just that making gold is a hobby rather than my life’s purpose.
to sum up. Shadowlands i got locked out of goldmaking for not being early into profs.
SO? /care, that’s life, or that’s the game if you prefer I said ill make my gold next expansion (DF).

Lesson learned, if someone really cares about goldmaking wait for next expansion and go all in first 2 weeks. QQing once the bandwagon is gone makes no sense.

Exploit early, exploit often (c)


Just because people were able to shard hop world bosses to gain extra tags doesnt mean you should exploit. Just because people were able to get unlimited rewards from a said WQ doesnt mean you should exploit.

I had a guildie exploiting the bug at suramar, got literally only 3 days suspended and artifact power that would have required 2 weeks. That’s what exploiting a bug is.

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This happens all the time. Blizzard never took away the rating/gear they got before nerf though.

If it’s a badly tuned drop rate, trinket, class ability, etc, go for it. It’s safe and Blizzard may nerf it, but won’t punish you. The dragonshard farming from dirt/pack is definitely the type of exploit that Blizzard always let go unpunished.

If it involves a bug, win trading, shard hopping, using bots, cheating on a boss fight, there is a risk of punishments/suspensions/bans.

In some cases Blizzard may reward your team with 8000 US Dollars for exploiting a hunter misdirect bug live on stream for 5 hours straight with thousands watching.

But yeah, never exploit an obvious bug. Sometimes Blizzard ban players for less obvious bugs.

Been playing wow pretty much since launch.

Everytime something new comes out there are always extra drops, extra everything, then it gets patched a week or even shorter later.

Seen it repeatedly over the years.

They do not care and it feels like they do it deliberatly so those in the know take full advantage.

I know there was a bug in wrath where warriors could stack a buff that was not supposed to be stackable and as a result could oneshot anyone with a single mortal strike. When this bug was fixed if i saw a warrior complaining about them not being able to oneshot anymore i would instantly tune them out. Class tuning/balancing happens all the time ofc but in my post i was talking about scenarios like the one i just mentioned.

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