<Purgatorium> 8/8N 2/8HC is recruiting Raiders, M+'ers and Social members for TWW S2

Good afternoon everyone :slight_smile:

I’d like to give a small update to the recruitments status.

For raiding we’d be very interested about;
One healer with DPS OS (Monk, Druid)
One DPS (Mage would be awesome)
Of course all specs and roles are welcomed, but those are the ones, that are in more of a need at the moment
Until Season 2 will kick in, we’ve reduced our raiding to one day only, it’s still to be decided is it either Thursday or Sunday ^^

For M+;
Basically everyone is welcomed and the level of keys you wanna do does not matter either
We run keys in various different levels :slight_smile:

People, who don’t want to do M+ or Raiding, but still want to experience Azeroth while being within a guild are more than welcomed to join as well :slight_smile:

We have few, that do dabble in PvP, so more would be merried

Contact info
+Discord Dezminion
+Bnet Dezminion#2247
+ingame Dezminion-Twilight’s Hammer
+or just post on forum and we take it from there.