Good evening everyone.
As Season 1 of the War Within is creeping to its end, I thought, that it would be an Ok time to update this post a little bit.
We did achieve the AotC this tier, as was the goal and it will be the goal going to the next tier too
If we have 20ppl, who all feel, that they would be up for trying some bosses on Mythic, that is also an option
At the moment we’d be very interested in the following for the raid group;
-Havoc Demon hunter, ready to do Vengenace with guild M+
-Devastation Evoker, ready to go to Preservation if needed
-Warlock of any spec
-Mage of any spec
The guild is more than willing to take in social members too, you don’t need to participate in the raiding, if you dont want to
But at the same time, if you so choose, you’d be more, than welcome to find M+ groups with various levels from within the guild
If you have any questions, please do hit me up either here or;
+Discord Dezminion
+Bnet Dezminion#2247
+ingame Dezminion-Twilight’s Hammer
See you guys in Azeroth and have a wonderful upcoming Spring time