<Purgatorium> 8/8HC is recruiting Raiders, M+'ers and Social members for TWW

Purgatorium is a casual raiding guild, based on the Bloodscalp/Emeriss/Agamaggan/Twilight’s Hammer group of connected realms.

We are a social guild, who enjoy chit chat and the banter level is high.
We aim to try and hit Ahead of the Curve for each raid tier, and then we will try to down some Mythic Bosses at a casual pace, when were enough ppl for that and were done with HC. For mythic+ we push everything from low to high keys depending of the setup and what’s needed

We can offer you

+A welcoming community of mature and grown up players who will be willing to help you with whatever you like to do.
+Real life always comes first.
+We would like to raid and push higher content, but the most important thing is that we have fun and enjoy playing the game together as a guild!
+No toxicity, and a really chill enviroment even though we push for progress.
+People who will become your online friends :slight_smile:

What we ask of you

+18+ to join us.
+Respect your guild mates; we have people of various ages, backgrounds, nationalities, etc. we have members from all over Europe, we ask that you have at least a good understanding of English.
+We all make mistakes. Constructive criticism is fine, just remember were all Humans after all, and we all have different learning curve, time to play the game and so on.
+Positive attitude!

Raid days are;

+Thursday 20:00 - 22:00 ST
+Sundays 20:00 - 22:00 ST

At the moment we have put raids on a pause, so people can rest and enjoy the summer time before TWW

Current Progress in Awakened Season;
-Amirdrassil 9/9HC
-Aberrus 1/9M (9/9HC)
-Vault 8/8HC

Contact info
+Discord Dezminion
+Bnet Dezminion#2247
+ingame Dezminion-Twilight’s Hammer
+or just post on forum and we take it from there.

Best Regards -Dez

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Looking for a chill place to mostly just enjoy TWW, have fun, make some jokes and make some friends :slight_smile: I’ve done a little bit of raiding before but anything past heroic isn’t important to me atm. Do you guys do any events outside of wow? Like Jackbox nights or stuff like that? ^^

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Hey all.

As we are getting closer to the release of TWW, we can now start narrowing down on what is needed for the raid group.

At the moment we are in need of;
Ranged DPS’ers;
-(Possible Ele Shaman)

-Shaman(Who can swing Ele or Enha) or a Monk

Regardless of nerrowing down on the roster related to raiding, everyone is still welcomed to join, because after the initial kills and as farm raiding starts we will be bringing in the rest of the guild as well
And ofc the guild is running M+ basically every evening, so as a social you are always welcomed to join the M+ groups

If we peaked your interest in any way, please contact us;

+Discord Dezminion
+Bnet Dezminion#2247
+ingame Dezminion-Twilight’s Hammer
+or just post on forum and we take it from there.

Best Regards -Dez

Hello again.

A little update to the post again;

For raiding we are still looking for;
-Ele shaman (Can swing Enha)

Other roles are also considered, but those 3 are needed the most

As a social anyone can join, the guild is running M+ and doing other random activities daily.
So even if you are not playing specs or classes mentioned above, but are still interested, toss me message

+Discord Dezminion
+Bnet Dezminion#2247
+ingame Dezminion-Twilight’s Hammer
+or just post on forum and we take it from there.

Best Regards -Dez

Good evening :slight_smile:

Last update before The War Within hits.
At the moment we have unlimited spots for socials/pvp’ers and so on.

As the expansion gets started, I’m quite sure, that some people will be lost, so at that time we might have some raid spots too.

But if you are a social player, who wants to have some people around you, consider Purgatorium :slight_smile:

Wishing you a wonderful launch of The War Within, I have a feeling, that it’s gona be good.
Take care and see you out there


Good evening everyone :slight_smile:

The War Within is here and my, oh my, it is looking so good and it’s so amazing to have the best villain in WoW since I don’t even know for how long :slight_smile:

I, myself and our guild, Purgatorium, we’ve so far enjoyed this start of the expansion so, so much

We are still open for people, who wanna be apart of our guild community as socials and M+ players or PvP’ers or people who enjoy doing world content and achievements

Of course it’s always possible, that you might get into the raid group also, but at the moment the main group is quite full.

But if you are interested in hanging around in good company, please do toss me a whisper, in-game mail, Bnet or Discord

Bnet; Dezminion#2247
Discord; Dezminion

See you out there

Good evening :slight_smile:

As stated before, we are still accepting social members and people to run M+ once it opens, only the raid group is full atm.


Good evening

We are still interested in social players, M+'ers and PvP’ers

For the raid team we would consider good ranged DPS player(Or two)
Hit me up if you’re interester :slight_smile:
Contact info
+Discord Dezminion
+Bnet Dezminion#2247
+ingame Dezminion-Twilight’s Hammer
+or just post on forum and we take it from there.


Good evening people :slight_smile:

We here in Purgatorium would still be interested in having some social members as well as pvp’ers, or alto-holics, we also might consider good ranged DPS’ers, who are able to swing to healer if needed.

Contact info
+Discord Dezminion
+Bnet Dezminion#2247
+ingame Dezminion-Twilight’s Hammer
+or just post on forum and we take it from there.

Best Regards -Dez

Hey everyone :slight_smile:

We are still open for social members, PvP’ers as well as M+'ers or Ach hunters

Also for the raid group, we could consider two healers for our group

Contact info
+Discord Dezminion
+Bnet Dezminion#2247
+ingame Dezminion-Twilight’s Hammer

I would love to join this guild, if anyone is on to advise me on how:( lol

Good afternoon everyone :slight_smile:

I’d like to give a small update to the recruitments status.

For raiding we’d be very interested about;
One healer with DPS OS (Monk, Druid)
One DPS (Mage would be awesome)
Of course all specs and roles are welcomed, but those are the ones, that are in more of a need at the moment
Until Season 2 will kick in, we’ve reduced our raiding to one day only, it’s still to be decided is it either Thursday or Sunday ^^

For M+;
Basically everyone is welcomed and the level of keys you wanna do does not matter either
We run keys in various different levels :slight_smile:

People, who don’t want to do M+ or Raiding, but still want to experience Azeroth while being within a guild are more than welcomed to join as well :slight_smile:

We have few, that do dabble in PvP, so more would be merried

Contact info
+Discord Dezminion
+Bnet Dezminion#2247
+ingame Dezminion-Twilight’s Hammer
+or just post on forum and we take it from there.

Mage here looking for a casual/chill enviroment. Still getting to grips with the mage class, but getting there.

Hey there

Wanna add me on Discord or Bnet?

Good evening everyone.

As Season 1 of the War Within is creeping to its end, I thought, that it would be an Ok time to update this post a little bit.

We did achieve the AotC this tier, as was the goal and it will be the goal going to the next tier too
If we have 20ppl, who all feel, that they would be up for trying some bosses on Mythic, that is also an option

At the moment we’d be very interested in the following for the raid group;
-Havoc Demon hunter, ready to do Vengenace with guild M+
-Devastation Evoker, ready to go to Preservation if needed
-Warlock of any spec
-Mage of any spec

The guild is more than willing to take in social members too, you don’t need to participate in the raiding, if you dont want to
But at the same time, if you so choose, you’d be more, than welcome to find M+ groups with various levels from within the guild

If you have any questions, please do hit me up either here or;
+Discord Dezminion
+Bnet Dezminion#2247
+ingame Dezminion-Twilight’s Hammer

See you guys in Azeroth and have a wonderful upcoming Spring time