Purified Satyr?

I’d like to commit to a concept I’ve had for a while, but first I’d like to see if it would be met with a lot of resistance before I decide.

I think there’s a quest in the game where you revert someone from a Satyr, back into their Night Elf form. Maybe it’s from a novel though, like War of the Ancients with some of Xavius’ followers? I honestly cannot remember where I got this information from.

The idea that I have is to make a Highborne who did in fact become a Satyr at one point, but sometime in recent decades, reverted back into Nelf.
How plausible within the lore is this even?

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There is one quest where this happens.
I think it would be too much special snowflake.

The Quest is in Ashenvale and the Satyr (and later Nightelf you help) is Avrus Illwhisper. He is purified by Elune herself.
So basically it happened, so it’s possible, but there’s only one example (known to me) so it’s really rare.

It’s be the same kind of concept, as a Half Orc-Half Draenei. We know Lantresor and Garona, so it’s possible but just very rare.

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Yeah that isn’t too great of a foundation to build it off of.

Hello Xod!

Looking into Avrus Illwhisper might give you some groundwork to base your new persona on :slight_smile:


Thank you for the direct reference.
I really do like the idea of a redeemed Satyr.

My question is what being a redeemed satyr adds to your character. It’s not all that they are after all. Also, it’s probably not something one advertises to others, having sided with the enemy in the past with millennia of baggage so it’d be this dark secret never to share even as it shaped them.

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Firstly to op, it’s a fair and viable storyline. It’s rare but hay we play heroes/adventures/sellswords/badguys in a fantasy world and a repenting former cultist is just as viable as any other story .

Advice for this character

1 from lore we have, youd have to truly of repented for your bad past. There is no redemption for the half hearted. Keep that in mind, the example we have was a demon who was willing to sacrifice himself to save another which proved his resolve was committed.

2 Consider when you want to start this story from, will he be a demon first trying to find his escape from his past mistakes or will he already of passed that and how , how would them events shape this character

3 who cares if it’s a snowflake, if you commit to it and own what you have made it will likely be enjoyable, dont let others dissuade your fun

Final notes. Good luck with whatever you decide

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I say this about every snowflakey character.
Do you have a direct, well thought out plan for how you will employ this aspect in your RP? Or is it just something you think is cool and want to use?

It is often referred to as ‘the curse of the satyr’, implying that satyrs are less so the inevitable outcome of night elves exposed to fel, but rather a specific curse with very specific results.

Which might mean it can be dispelled same as any other curse, mind you it’s a powerful one.

But then again, the rules of Blizzard’s magic system are… loose, at best. It’s a project with a lot of writers and not much quality control, which means you can expect a lot of internal inconsistency. Top this with the fact that they admitted to simply going with whatever felt cool at the time, and WoW is full of races/faction that have been forgotten/neglected after their time in the spotlight.

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