Putting more War in Warcraft: Why Faction Conflict is Always, ALWAYS Fiiiiiine

It’s as much consensus and a bid for a common ground and understanding as a late reaction to us WARheads vilifying peacekeepers in the MoP, WoD, Legion and BFA eras.

Not that I blame them, but I made my stance abundantly clear on the topic, which is that anything and anyone’s actions are as likely to be ignored or written off as getting ID’d and dogpiled by a guardsman or grunt, thanks to how large and layered the population of city capitals are in lore. (Queue the plausible scenario of the present footmen turning a blind eye because they love to hear how the Horde got bullied in Outland)

I find that a healthier mentality, as it feeds into a live and let live approach, than try and appeal to a higher authority or try and enforce the idea that the armistice is a global debuff we all are meant to be affected by.

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