Putting more War in Warcraft: Why Faction Conflict is Always, ALWAYS Fiiiiiine

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Here you go.


Guys I need help… I can’t open up any discord screenies anymore, not even when I am in discord, it just says “This site is unreachable”

Is happening on my pc and phone now :frowning:

In honor of the evergreen logic of the OP I’d love it if someone posted a gallery of the Horde fanart about the Burning of Teldrassil.

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oh my god it’s me


Did yo uncheck for updates?

I did! I’mma gonna shut it all down for bed and hope tomorow is better

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Good call. I wish I had your willpower.

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I especially love this troll who had no issues slaughtering his way from the Barrens to the shores of Darkshore.


But burning Teldrassil was a step to far, huh

Yeah because if you personally are horrified then naturally your character should be too.

RP-PvP is fiiiiiiine…in the right context.

Some border skirmishes and special operations, sure. Even though there is a ‘truce’, it doesn’t mean ‘true peace’. It’s more akin to a ceasefire. Special Operations and ‘spooks’ should probably be very busy. Potentially even a fantasy version of a C-130 with a magic cannon on board.

Invading with a large conventional force deep into enemy territory, several zones into the other faction’s environment is probably a no-no though. Everyone is free to do what they want but at that point I am also allowed to slowly roll my eyes.


Certified “Are we the baddies?” moment.

A lot of that art’s really good; mother and child got me big time.

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What hit harder for me is that they completely omitted any piece celebrating that victory and hyper-focused on the tragedy aspect of it.

Granted that was also what we got in-game from the cinematic, but it doesn’t add up how every reaction we see to Elf genocide is abject horror, which was then followed by most of the Horde willingly following Warcrimerunner into the Fourth War.

That’s fine. As we’ve iterated it a few times already in the OP and in several responses the players can’t actually muster anything that could be considered a large force. We are at best specks of dirt.

If some organizer then claims that their 60-man warband turned the entirety of Ashenvale into a warzone then I wash my hands and leave the topic to them and the peacekeepers.

“this is so sad. Goblexa, play ‘We didnt start the fire.’”

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Nightsaber and its dead rider for me.

Abject horror, but no different from any other Horde victory and the largest Horde victory since the First War when Stormwind fell. Of course the Horde would follow Warcrimerunner when she delivers victory and victory is honoured above all by especially the orcs. They’re very Klingonesque in that regard.


You’re so sarcastic in much of your interactions that I honestly don’t know when you’re being serious and when you’re not.

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that was extremely sarcastic

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It must have been like 6 years since I made that. I can’t believe people still have this it saved.