PvP changes/hotfix

Yeah and make purge and dispel take 10% of that mana so you actually purge when it matters and not spam it when not going oom (shamans)

nerfing drinks to e.g. a limited amount would (in my opinion) raise the skill cap. You would need to evaluate the exact time you can get the most out of your drink and also be more careful how you spam your expensive skills. In a nutshell of course.

right now it is easy to sneak away for 5s to get a sip and go back to healing. If you limited water to lets say 5 pcs you would prioritize drinking when you are lower on mana (not when you are 80%) and also try to sit as long as possible which in return would be more risky to your team as you might not be able to recover from the pressure

you could maybe give mistweaver some extra armor, im literally getting oneshottet if a feral opens with convoke on me, 0.3seconds of the convoke

port it? no time to place

Sadge they didnt Remove rmp and jungle

Without compensation, yes. But you said you want to limit drinks and therefore have a lot higher manareg or less mana cost. That would remove the need to drink a lot more often as people are longer on higher mana values.

Only if you want the manareg as it is right now and limit the drinks on top of it, would increase the skill cap.

I think each dps should have dps limit in game so if you wont kill target doing lets say 1 mil dps in match you will just die or get instantly pacified.
It would make as much sense as forbidding drinking.

just didnt want to nerf mana reg further.
pala druid monk priest gp oom already pretty quickly.
only one that need a mana cost increase to riptide and healing stream would be shaman because the only use mana if the cast. unfortunate if you start to cast it feels like you lost the game already

Bad Mana is such a bad design… Having tools but not being able to contribute because they “cost” to much is just plane stupid. At 100% Mana I ask myself if I should try to contribute DMG or just don’t because I will fall later… Yuk feels so

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