Well this list proves that you can reduce damage even by 30%. Time to balance the game?
Why you push a new PvP season and then class tuning it a week later? Noob devsâŚ
I sure hope they will also balance once people have their 4set and max gears after few weeks from here and the game show what its really going to be for the next 6 months or it will be fun summer. Anyway⌠glad they do balancing. Hope they also continue once it really start matter
Just a minor detail that nothing matters yet
nah nah.
yesterday i was in arena and every class were doing morethan me in that game.
their dk was meow meowing us in seconds
search the Mes 1 shot mm hunter build
its 7mil crits
The biggest my details show is 3.7mil with the current gears and playing blitz. Normal hits for 2.7mil and critical hits for 3.7mil. I dont know what makes it 7mil if mine is already with modifiers and trinkets, must be something else also involved.
But anyways, lets focus on the matter that from top 80 mmâs in the world with blitz and shuffles combined they are all playing double tap instead the talent which blizz nerfed, so either the best in the world are both fooling us while performing top of the ladder while doing it or blizz nerfed the wrong thing or blizz were clever to not fall into the 80 top mmâs trap using the âwrong talentâ
Developersâ notes: to increase sustained damage
first patch note in the !!right!! direction ive read on this game since 2014.
now get rid of damage rotation button bloat, and slow the game down - ppl might actually SLOWLY start playing again