PvP hotfixes - March 12th

let’s nerf healers and leave rogue/mage/destro/ww/arms as they are. it will end well.

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That’s it ? THAT’S IT ? aaaaaaaaaa, aaaaa… my brain can’t actually react to what i just read, 1500 player is asking for THIS ?

This is what we are getting from PVP, the ACTUAL PROBLEM IN PVP ? this is what you understand from our suffer ? is this a f… joke ? omg… i can’t belive you guys actually exists.

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He does not know that if those changes above happen DH will go down more in the tier.

Calm down. And maybe tell us some arguments. Just because you are 1700 and I am 1500 doesn’t make my point of view any less valid.

How do you know that? Is that because of you are some kind of fortune teller or do you have any arguments to support your claim?


Simple. Other classes burst much better and have shorter cds for kills and you want to increase the cd on healer defensives. DH comps that go for draining mana will get rekt more than other comps.

1700 ? my items are duelist with 2363 last season (not much, but decent), and you’re telling me now that you can’t even inspect someone, i saw yours, and let’s get to the on topic, i give you my last topic link.

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Okay you are good. All bless you.

Now, go away.

I agree, they burst better. But they are often saved with big CDs (bubless for example). I don’t have issues to stay alive, I can win with mana drain if they won’t kill my healer first. But the true problem is in killing, with big CDs in play, it is even harder.

They will kill your healer much easier than you can kill them if healer cds are nerfed. They peel better too (e.g., Unholy grip and chains)

But it is not only about me. Paladins never get oom first. Cyclone spamming is BS, and cocoon has low CD for what it offers imo. For example priests or shamans have nothing compared to Paladin and Monk bubbles. No matter if it makes DH better or not, these things are not balanced at all.

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these changes would actually be good except for the maledict change.
Cyclone change is a bit iffy but spammable ccs definitely need to be altered to compensate for every classes vastly reduced toolkits when it comes to dealing with them


No, these are his ideas.

these ideas are so bad that I will expect them to happen

how about we give healers now 10 charges on each healing spell. If they used them up, they will not refresh until you leave arena. Also make the game round based like Hearthstone


Don’t announce this sort of stuff as if Blizzard themselves have said it please


thank god these changes arent going live lol


stopped reading here, yeah lets make stuff so that melee comps can just cho cho


Deal, but make it instant cast :-*

Lets stop there and let me enlight you:
Because people like you cyclone was nerfes to the ground.
Only 20 yards range - you can outrun it
Shares diminishing returns with alot of stuff
When casting cyclone durid is very exposed for punishment
Cyclone was always nature school, so interupting it = no healing
Single cyclone cost 3000mana…3x cyclones is nearly 10% of your total mana bar.

So dear m8 I want to ask you when you gonna stop asking silly nerfs?

And buff the DHs.
They are not so good with their two button rotation and mana rift use on cooldown.

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Nope they truly aren’t. Apart from mana rift, there is no true win condition. And if you are at least half good you can escape it half of the time.

Truly, do you think that we can kill healer with chaos strikes worth 12k damage? Or interruptable eye beam?
If your arena partner Is retri, DK, war. And they know how to play, they will almost always kill the healer of the DH first. Before you get oom. I cannot peel for him because I need to setup mana rifts with my stuns. And if I do peel, my healer gets oom first, because he needs to make greater effort to stay alive

Oh my, it has diminishing returns, that truly sucks. Do you know that everything these days has it? And do you truly think that spamming it and keeping your target in cc loop for more than 10 seconds, just by cyclone itself, is ok?
Every other incap has cooldown. Monks, DHs, shamans have their incap on cooldown. So name one reason why druid should be able to spam this?

Setuping mana rift with your stun? Ooooooo thats something very hard.

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Not hard but you know, it is a mandatory usage of stun. You are unable to use it for peeling or anything alse. You need to use it every 30 sec with mana rift to be able to win.