Pvp is terrible lol

But you missed the point of Blizzard creating the problem and unhappiness within anyone themselfs. They thrive of that afk bg’ing metric boosting attitute longside selling WoW-Token so ppl get rating and actually playing the game. :smiley:

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The fact that the system is horrible doesn’t justify that he queue as mercenary to sabotage the alliance team because “alliance premades farm him 8/10 times when he queue as horde”.

who would want a solo queue in a mmorpg… look for some friends to play with and have fun. yes pvp atm is just really bad and i wish they would bring back the good old days and atleast lock players who reached 2.1k at 2.1k so they cant drop anymore to boost people. that would remove boosters from lower ranks. but nope blizz sees money sooo \o/

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U need some medical attention and re-read what i’ve mean. And answer the question. Give me 1 reason to not q as merc and do fast lose(1-2 min que) instead of sitting in 15+ min q as horde and lose anyway, cuz of premades when i need tones of honor to upgrade my gear.
And i can answer on ur. If premades stop to q, no 1 will go to AFK as merc on ally side, cuz they already deleted in BFA ally +50% honor buff for mercs.

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Because you are AFKING, and this is against term and conditions in the game, and Ban reason if anyone send a ticket.


This is a MMorpg. You can’t tell people dont queue with anothers players.

=Problem is “another players” are litteraly boosters that make money off of WoW Token and at the same time deny the (super huge amount of) fun (some players for some reason still have) of casuals that just want to play pvp

Stop excuse everything lol.
Not everyone wants to play hours upon hours upon days just to be on even playing field. Just because you think its cool to have 48% winrate on 1,8k (which is borderline cr required for even a bit remotely good gear) doesnt mean others have.

Fact is, in the past people could get honor gear and have fun for the entire season/addon with it. It was still viable the next season into.

Log in and play.

Not log in do choregast do this do that AND NOW FARM 5billion honor JUST TO start playing the game

you are cringe bro. Go swipe your credit card for wow token with this macro:

#showtooltip WoW-Token
/cancelaura “Being a laughing stock for defending boosting”
/cast [target=WoW-Shop] Credit-Card Swipe

followed by:

so you can finally realize what it means to play vs other players with the same gear. You legit already became so insensitive to the treadmill that you dare to question people who just want fair pvp from the get go. PvP is not PvE.

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Just stop to tryhard in fun content and people will stop to AFK as mercs, very simple. This is main reason why people do this.

With 1600 you can do decent in random Bgs.

Then if i got gear i can’t queue bgs?

You both are a :clown_face:

Ok, keep doing it. When you get account banned, then cry.

Oh lol. Already nobody playing PvP. They don’t care about ur cryes about AFKing. I just give u reason why people do this. People are mad cuz honor grind - they won’t tryhard against people from another planet that decided to do a main job from fun casual content.

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Maybe afk leechers as you are the reason why people play on premade to win.

Its happens even when honor grind wasn’t mandatory and BGs, EBGs was fun content and u know it. Nodoby like when in such PvP niche people tryhard so much.

Blame game designer for this. Afking as mercenary to farm honour just ruin the game experience for the alliance players that want to play and it’s against game’s term and rules, and this will make more and more players join in premade to avoid players as you.

And premades ruined my time and other players too. Why they need to w8 15 min q, when they can lose much faster. And grind honor X2-X3 faster.

Premades are 100% legit and both factions do it. If you dont like how this game work, just dont play it, but stop ruining Bg experience for others.

Technicaly i’m not afking too. Ur tickets will go to nowhere. U know, its not against the rules to play very bad.

Well, then I will lvl up HEALER horde char, join full naked, take alliance flagg and just dance.

This. I had so many groups where either my team or enemy team immediatly gave up and afk’d graveyard just to get tzhe 200honor for finishing the game fast. the entire thing is a joke.

I am just glad and could finally after 3 days playing bgs 24/7 upgrade my gear to 8/9. its such a joke.

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Ez, do it. Horde lost anyway, kekw.

This is your problem. Loser mind. This is why you just lose in each factions.

Lol, i don’t care when its about honor grind. When i want to play i play.