PvP Reminder -- Season of Discovery 8 July


As we prepare to release WoW Classic patch 1.15.3 tomorrow and open Phase 4 on Thursday, we want to remind you that any players who gained Honor via Bloodstained Commendations will need to make sure to gain at least 15 Honorable Kills against players of the opposing faction in normal PvP (i.e. Battlegrounds or World PvP, not in the Blood Moon event) during the week, in order to be eligible rank up the week that begins on 16 July.

Gaining honor from Bloodstained Commendations alone is not sufficient to rank up, regardless of the amount of Honor gained in this way. To summarize, the requirements to progress past Rank 7 are:

  • Level 60
  • At least 15 HKs
  • Sufficient Honor to increase in rank

Reminder: in Phase 4, the maximum rank in PvP is Rank 10.

Please note that Bloodstained Commendations will not be purchasable with the old STV Blood Moon Coins after the patch on 10 July. We recommend that you use Massacre Coins to buy any Bloodstained Commendations NOW. After the patch, they will no longer be available using that currency.

Thank you!

I’ve seen screenshots of people who banked the commendations in phase 2. Before phase 3 release it was announced that these would vanish from the inventory after two weeks into the phase. But somehow some people seem to have found a way around this and still have them in abundance. Can you make sure to delete these now?

Hey Blizzard,
this is my first forum post at all and I try to be repectfully as I can to share my opinion.

Since SoD Phase 4 was delayed, the player base shrunk week by week. The only people left were players who really enjoyed SoD and wanted to prepare for Phase 4 as best as possible.

But after you gained BiS gear, reached exalted at rolled out fractions, reached honored at P4 fractions, reached Rank 7 in PvP, there was really nothing left to do…

Nothing but STV!!
I found new friends and players to play with, and we continued to improve our tactic within this event to gain maximum coins possible. Everything because all of us wanted to prefarm honor for Phase 4…

To limit the Bloodstained Commendations AND devalue Silver Massacre Coins is a huge slap in the face for every Player who remained faithul to Season of Discovery during this delay.

I’m aware of the fact, that you want to grant every player the same starting point at phase 4, but at least you could thought about a gimmick or at least a little advantage for those player who “waisted” several hours in STV.

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