Issue with Corsage Pack Purchased Earlier Today

We want to make players who used the WoW Shop earlier today aware of an unexpected issue with the new Corsage Pack in the Shop. We deployed a hotfix for this at 20:31 CEST today.

Players who purchased the Corsage Pack before that time did not have their total Trader’s Tender amount update in-game, and will not see an update to their Trader’s Tender amount until they do a purchase at the Trading Post. After any Trading Post purchase, the additional Trader’s Tender should be displayed.

We apologize for any confusion this caused.

Didn’t Ion Hazzikostas say that you would only sell it in “deluxe editions at expansion release and similar big bundles”. This bundle can’t be categorized into either of the two. A big bundle for example would be the one that sells all the transmog at once, because these are unlikely to reoccur frequently. However, this bundle is 1. very small, and 2. it could come every month, and now the fact that we have barely any tenders compared to the overwhelming amount of things in the trading post makes the trading post appear in a very different light than it initially did.

Whoever says that they said so, hasn’t read it properly. Ion hazzikostas specifically said “deluxe edition and big bundles”. This is definitely a lie.

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The only confusion here is the one caused by the fact that you are selling tenders on the store in the first place.


Slap, have you ever read the interviews with attention. This was 100% expectable to happen and they clearly stated so. They only said they will never sell Tender directly for money, always with other stuff together.

It has 2 transmogs in it.

very likely to happen, so expect it next month.

Hopefully with something better than corsages. :sweat_smile:

So it’s finally arrived, the battlepass that it’s not exactly a battlepass, but still looks VERY similar to a battlepass. Like, a battlepass with a grammatical error? Batlelpas? Beatlebus?


Yeah if theyre going to put random stuff on the store just as an excuse to claim theyre not selling tender directly… might as well make it nice random stuff haha

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Hah, they did didn’t they. How clever. How very, very clever.

The trading post was sold to us as a different approach to cosmetic rewards instead of the store. Then they said that they also wouldn’t sell tenders to circumnavigate this commitment - however that the commitment would not extend to expansion and other major event releases.

I thought that sounded reasonable. But then they release some with a transmog set so technically harharhar.

Even if you can argue on a technicality, they definitely lied.

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I mean, the Trading Post IS a different approach.

We have 2 store mounts this month for Tender purchase in the Trading Post. We can actually earn real-money store items by playing and saving Tender for the Opportunity. And the other stuff added so far to the Trading Post, is not on the Store Page.

The Trading Post is 1-2 levels below the rather-big Eververse of Destiny 2 or the Crown Shop in ESO, both having an identical system to get real money store items via play.

Why not just remove cosmetic drops altogether and hide it behind a paywall?

Gear drops
Equip it
Want to collect appearance? Gotta pay!


Because from business point of view it is more profiatble to hide it behind an RNG to keep the collectors subbed OR eventually make it available via the shop so the ones with less time but more money could aquire it too

Currently the trading post is not YET a gacha system, but it is evidently turning into one. Like 5 bucks for 200 tenders is not a big deal in itself. Actually, I believe they should go free2play and go all-in on cosmetic micro transactions with battlepasses, because the ship has sailed at this point. Would I buy a trading post battle pass, if the game was free? 100%. Am I okay with hard milking, if the game has a sub? No.

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Won’t deny that.

But the difference is a Gacha game is designed around money to progress in general. They are basically slot machines with VFX as sprinkles on top of it.

MMORPGs like ESO and SWTOR have only cosmetic-based progression in their store. Maybe the one or other timesaver item too like crafting analysis scrolls/tokens. But nothing like a real weapon with stats like actual Pay2Win games.

Diablo Immortal is a Gacha Game. Diablo 4 and WoW are not. There are no Loot Boxes or similar Lottery mechanics in them within their stores. Only in gameplay like regular RNG drops from AI.

I’m not actually sure why the tenders were included. I don’t usually do transmog, but I really like the corsages so was happy to pay £4.50 for them and didn’t know about the tenders.

I wonder what the community response would have been if they released this bundle without the Tender. Or if they’d sell even half as many. Tender are a “bonus”, should make no difference, right?

Of course it makes a difference; that’s silly to say.

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