WoWCast Developer Chat: A Look at Classic Hardcore

WoWCast Developer Chat: A Look at Classic Hardcore

Tune in for developer insights into a whole new way to play World of Warcraft—no infinite lives, no rezzes, and no regrets.

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Sure two posts are enough in gd? Also please move it to classic


Do a developer chat how to fix a deadlock issue due resource conflict have all the developers from each game in chat from world of warcraft to Diablo 4 as it all has the same issue, and stop releasing games in broken state.

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Such a waste of a WoWCast imo.
But then again that whole hardcore nonsense is a waste of time and resources imo.

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It is not. It is an entirely new way to play the game.

We can agree to disagree; that’s fine.

No; it’s the same. You’re just a lot more careful. :person_shrugging:t4:

I’ve repeatedly hit max level on alts without dying once and not even trying to avoid it. I was conditioned in EQ to avoid death at all costs if I could, so I may be rather cautious without thinking about it.

Owned by a flower is funny tho!

*no rezzes, even when the server crashes

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