Subscribe to WoW for Extra Goodies, New Twitch Drop on the Way, Spooky Hallow's End Savings, and…

Subscribe to WoW for Extra Goodies, New Twitch Drop on the Way, Spooky Hallow's End Savings, and More!

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You might wish to adjust your date in the spooky section of the post?

Blockquote Hallow’s End is nearly here and if you want to look your ghoulish best for any costume party you’re invited to in Azeroth, we’ve got you covered. All transmog appearances and toys* are now available to add to your in-game collection for a discount through 34 October 2024. Visit the Shop Transmog section or Toy section and the in-game shop to add your next look or toy to your collection.

Unless you guys have found a way to add days to the year? Or you wish to have a longer Halloween? No hate! I fully understand wanting more autumn!

My local has xmas and holloween stuff up on the shelf at the same time.

Only chiming in cos i got nohting better to do or say then for profit entities usually look out for their bottom lines.

I suspect, considering the recent amount of sales pushes, tha tthings are not going as planned for blizzard.

I have a super easy way of getting a ton of players, that you ticked off , to actually stay. It revolves around a comprehensive compensation package for items lost.

This is so simple and costs you hardly anything in terms of real money and the good it would do, by far, outweighs any negatives.

The solution to getting ticket off players to stay, who are intending to leave, is so simple and so easy i should be paid for my suggestions. From a PR perspective alone this is a win and this woudl get traction in various media outlets.

I cant believe that i even have to suggest this and that this has not been discussed. Are you really willing and able to accept your own player base walking away from your game, to probably never to be seen again, cos you are too “cheap” to come up with some sort of compensation package for those who lost items?

You can write game game with millions of lines of code but cant implement that? For real?

Ill make you a deal. I will shut my trap forever more on every subject and never be seen again in the forums, if you do this. I am prepared to walk as of now. But i am willing to reconsider if you indeed start playing ball with all of those who lost stuff.

The cost in terms of PR is huge if you let people walk after that. Peole talk. What happened wont be forgotten and peole will talk.

Cant believe i am even saying this but its been a long night.

No one is “owed” compensation just because things didn’t go their way in the game. If an item was lost due to an ingame bug, there’s a support system in place specifically for resolving such issues. However, the idea that Blizzard should offer some sweeping compensation package just to appease disgruntled players? Nah, sorry, that reeks of entitlement.

Community managers/Blizzard employees who post here are simply doing their jobs, typically under instructions from higher-ups who, let’s be honest, likely aren’t reading the forums. These employees aren’t the decision makers, they’re not setting policies. Treating them as punching bags for your frustrations with the company is not only naive, it’s wrong.

If you feel dissatisfied, that’s perfectly ok (constructive criticism is part of any healthy community) but throwing a tantrum on the forums, just flat out drowns any valid points you might have.

Blizzard owes its community the respect of listening to their concerns, but we, as players, owe them (and the people working on the game) some basic human decency.

Have a good day.

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When i refer to a comprehensive compensation package i would like you to say what you think that means ad what i am talkign abotu as i am sure from your text that you have no clue as to what i wrote about.

I should now clarify that i do not mean a compensation package based on real lif ecash but an attmpt by blizzard to at least give back something back.

There are people who lost a large amout of items and some lots personal items from people that are no longer with us.

My thought was that i did not have to be super discriptive regarding the lost items. There is a vocal minority who are talking about lost items.

I am not talking about some random lost item by an individual. I am talking about the massive loss of the entire guild bank items to a large number of guilds. So large it could be in the thousands. Blizzard was not able to “restore” the lost items. I say lost when in reality they were technically deleted in one form or another.

The live database was allowed to continue all the while these losses were mounting up and blizzard persisted with enough updates and changes to a poin that they did not want o do the work to reconcile both data bases.

There. i said it.

Even random joe who lost an item is worthy of their attention.

Me thingks you dont even know about these guild banks being emptied with no compensation because if this happened to you and the response you got was yours, then i think you would fly off of the handle.

Sure, blizzard can do what it wants which included doing what they did. This does come with a cost. IF that cost is something they are ok living with, then any future player should be worried, not only for their personal data that is stored with blizzard but also the game data, since blizzard has demonstrated during certain events that they are not capable of dealing with data.

Furthermore the decent thing to do to people whos stuff you lost, is to give them similar items. This is an aact many companies do. It is just because you are so used to blizzards way not to notice that you should be entitled to them makign up a loss they created.

Is blizzard decent enough? Is rectifying their mistakes too big an event for you to deal with? Are you ok with items being taken away from you at random and being told nothing will be done about it and then sent emails asking you to give them money since they offerign you a year sub?

Yes, we have a choice of stayimg or going as players.

Repsect is earned, this is not handed out williy nilly. IF i pay for a service, then when that serive loses my items, i dotn expect them to hide behind some EULA that wont even stand up in court, if peple who lost actual tokens that are worth money decide to challenge them in court.

You bought tokens with real life cash and then stuck them in the guild bank to store and they delete them. You seem to be ok with not gettign anything back. IS this was you are sayign people need to get useed to now?

You can think this is some shildish tantrun with your big fancy paragraps but i think you lost nothing at all and tare totally biased to the point that you need to recuse yourself from this whole discussion. You lost nothing. And if you did and you are still ok with your statement then you have bigger issues than i can fix.

Yesterday I bought a pumpkin, sparklers and advent calendars from the local supermarket. Unfortunately, they didn’t have Easter Eggs yet. :smile:


The drops are NOT working at the moment, no streamer has them available, even the ones who usually have them turned on by default