Last Chance for The War Within Season 1 Achievements and Rewards

Last Chance for The War Within Season 1 Achievements and Rewards

The War Within Season 1 wraps up with the release of the Undermine(d) content update. If you’re a completionist, then this handy list of all the things that will become unavailable or change with the release of The War Within Season 2 on 5 March is for you!

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Gating the new stuff behind the s1 campaign type stuff seems like a nice middle finger to returning players.

Imagine not quite gelling with the first 4 zones and coming back to give the new stuff a try, only to be told you need to grind out the first 4 zones.

Bravo Blizz /s


I’m not sure I like the idea of putting delve achievements as feats of strength and even “high explorer” which is for finishing an 11. All these things will be in the game in the next patch too. I’m sure someone would have loved to get it in, say, 11.1. Delves having less rewards like this going away would support the more casual theme you were trying to promote.

Also I really liked Zekvir having “let me solo him”. It now seems like you’ve renamed that achievement and will reuse it for further bosses which at least to me ruins the uniqueness of this otherwise cute reference. Just wish there was one permanent such achievement and leave it be. Same for Nemesis, actually.


I’m sure there will be something else they can work towards.

Just gave Zekvir ?? another go, and I don’t know what they broke, but the fight is impossible as Tank now.
Was planning to spend some more attempts on this before the season ended, but getting 2-3million damage from melee hits as a tank is ridiculous.

Basically, kills me with 4 melee attacks, and bran’s healing is joke.
At least I got everything else I wanted.

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“The Malfunctioning Mechsuit will continue to be a drop in The Stonevault on Mythic difficulty and is only available while this dungeon is active as a Mythic+ dungeon during the expansion.”

What does that even mean? How can it continue to be a drop in mythic and not be at the same time?

But I was getting that as a havoc DH. :sweat_smile: If you have a way to self-heal, use Brann’s potions, defensives, etc. you can face tank him for quite a bit : )

…is there any currency I need to spend from season 1 before it disappears apart from the delve coffer key things (not that I have spent them coffer keys, got over 20 of them :disappointed_relieved:)

Upgrading gear or PvP gear. Those will get reset.

At the very least grab transmogs or stuff to vendor… whatever yields the most vs cost.

Swimming in Bloody Bones you can buy 2H weapons to vendor for 170+g each.

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Sadly not, I’m dead before the first egg spawns.
Dunno what’s up with this fight atm, but I’m just getting pancake’d as Protection Warrior

… answering my own question - I have tonnes of undercoins and found this - ok will spend them all tomorrow!

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We need less catchup overall.

People need a dose of “you snooze you lose” “Keep up or get left behind” sometimes

It’s time to punish those that don’t stay tuned.

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I must check how many I have. Good reminder.

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… did do a double check as there were conflicting reports … one report goes undercoins reset and no more and then another one goes there will be undercoin in S2 although after digging think they will reset … guess either way I’m going to spend up :+1:

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I dont think I’m anywhere near the achievement as well to use 250 keys.

Ah here we go again locking content…slow clap whats next locking old zones unless you have loremaster?

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Locking what content? You had 4 months to do them.

Shock horror I have… A life! omg I know rare but i do so yeh. And questing is about as fun as watching celebrity big brother

So in a game you pay to play you don’t max your time… “I got a life” lol

I play for “fun” its a outdated concept i know.