Warcraft Short Story: "The Tipping Point"

Warcraft Short Story: "The Tipping Point"

Long before Renzik the Shiv came to Stormwind, he was the bloody fist of the Krackslagger Cartel. Untangle the winding road that led him to SI:7 ahead of The War Within: Undermine(d).

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Easily worth the read/listen tbh, even if goblins aren’t my usual jam.

Goblins usually are my thing.

But the story telling in TWW has been so awful, I just can’t bring myself to care on this occasion.

If it were one of those 2.5D videos I might… but honestly the story telling in the last few expansion is just getting worse and worse.

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I simply have no love of this genre so I’ll give it a pass, as I did with the Gazlowe story. May someone else enjoy it.


The Tipping Point (Renzik Origin Story) | World of Warcraft

This video is about the origin story of a goblin named Renzik. Renzik was an orphan on the streets of the Undermine.

He learned to give no mercy and to expect none in return. He started to carry a shiv, his last line of protection on the Mean Streets.

His activities caught the eye of a local Captain who, catching him pilfering from a cashbox one night, was impressed with the kid’s Moxy.

Rather than ending Renzik, the captain put him to work. As Renzik grew older, goblins would send him on increasingly dangerous errands stealing.

One day, Renzik was sent to kill a human named Shaw. Shaw was a spy for Stormwind City.

Renzik caught Shaw and was about to kill him when Shaw offered him a deal.

Shaw said that he could help Renzik find what he was looking for, or at least something more worthy. Renzik decided to let Shaw go.

Renzik went back to his boss, Mazy, and lied to him about killing Shaw.

Mazy was pleased and told Renzik to continue his work.

Renzik left Mazy’s HQ and reflected on the events of the last week.

He still felt the weight of the spy’s coin in his pocket. Perhaps there were warmer days ahead.


Thank you so much for that.

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I really like it that Blizzard published the short story/stories in PDF format, but could you please publish them also in epub format for eReaders, please.

Imma read this and tell if if its good or not… BRB

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I would like to listen to it, is there an Italian version too? I haven’t been able to find it.

I mean I can listen in English but it’s easier to follow in Italian if I’m doing something else in the meantime.