Pvp, scaling vs unscaled

There have been a lot of discussions around this, personally i prefer legion scaling, where there are basically templates and gear only affects in a minor way, i have no strong feeling regardless, but generally prefer scaling in that way.

But this got me thinking, i see people always arguing about this, but i didn’t see anyone actually bring up this.

What if… We had both, and players simply choose based on preferences? Yea you would split the queue, but honestly, i think it’s worth it, and this way we would see which system is actually preferred. And even if we did, there would be no big reason to remove it, yea the one that is not preferred would have longer queues, oh well, a small price to pay for versatility.

Just a thought.

Edit: since it’s not obvious, i meant the legion type of scaling, not the abomination of bfa scaling that tries to keep the feeling of having higher gear but also reduces or increases the damage you deal to match a higher or lower ilvl player. That’s not scaling, that’s an abomination.

Mythic raiders would complain about queue times A LOT.

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What are you even talking about? Mythic raiders seriously? The people who run bosses 100 times to kill them once? Those people?

If anything they likely have more patience than the average person.

I’m talking about people who prefer non scaled pvp.

I think that over generalizing. There are quite a bit of casual players who do not like scaling.

Keep in mind, generalizing is not necessarily a fallacy, but overgeneralizing is.

Anyway, i think blizzard should try it, the queue will be split, but it’s not like there are super long wait times on pvp queues. And this would be an excellent experiment with almost no downsides. People who like scaling are satisfied, people who don’t are satisfied, and there are slightly longer queues, i think it’s a win win situation.

I simply expect people to act in their own interests. You either get lucky with TF (not a thing since SL) or you don’t have good gear as a casual. If you don’t have good gear why would you be against scaling?

People always act on their personal interest, and that is fine.

Speaking about titanforge, that is a perfectly fine system but only as long as we have another way of upgrading our gear, as i said in some other posts, rng is not bad by itself, but there must be some mitigating factor. This applies to basically everything, if a spec rotation is too dependent on rng, you have no control, if it has too little it’s static, boring, unfun, for example i prefer ret pally empyrean power+divine purpose by a long shot, but original roll the bones was bad, because if you didn;t get at least 2 dices it felt really bad.

Same thing for titanforge, if there is no mitigating factor, not getting a titanforge feels like a… Because you have 0 say in it, you can;t upgrade the piece, so it’s vendor garbage.

As someone who used to have above average gear in legion, i personally liked scaling, i think pvp should be dictated more by skill than by gear, but i also like non scaled sometimes, so this proposition i have would be pretty much perfect for me, and i can live with the slightly longer queues.

It’s just perceiving TF through completionist lense. You don’t have to get it. It’s random for any type of content. I remember getting it here and there, and didn’t have problems in any type of content I played even if it was suboptimal or there wasn’t any at all. Is it a thing for people who want to get into Blizzard’s Hall of Fame and down mythic Argus or whatnot first? Do they also do keys above +15? Idk.
This is coming from someone who didn’t mind grinding a lot back in Legion, mind you, because it was rewarding.

True. Had mythic gear back then and preferred scaling too.

The scaling that made tanks and healers, immortal gods, or something akin to raid boss, that “outplayed” a damage dealer, with one instant cast from 3% hp to full health… Yeaaaah, no thanks.

Add to that, the ability prune that made it, a literal hell to deal with any tank or healer.

Or you know maybe just go back and reduce amounth if difficulty levels and itemlvl bloat so there isnt such difference in player power? How about once actualy fix issue and stop just using bandages upon bandges?

I dont know how you but game is alredy filled with so many artificial rule sets what are there just so game wont break and its really getting to the point where we will need high school decrease to actualy understand rules and way how wow system works.

Such simple thing like go back to 2 or even 1 difficutly level would fix so many issues with game but you just want to keep it no matter what and rather use this wierd desing decisions just so game actualy can work somehow.

I don’t even know what you are talking about, the difference between an ungeared and geared character has always been massive since vanilla.

Anyway, for that they would have to remove at least 2 difficulties, which is not gonna happen, there is a reason why we have normal heroic and mythic.

itemlevel bracket pvp.

you are ilvl 196? Fine, the game finds opponent between 190-200 and not some 45k hp warlock with 226+ versa sockets to kill you instantly.

what’s the point or fun in that fight? you are wasting your money and time for someone else to enjoy their class. Literally gearing other people for free while you get shlt on.

I have to disagree with that, while i am fine splitting the queue into 2, brackets would be a whole other level of splitting the queue, so much that it would actually cause a lot of issues.

Just make the scaled and unscaled queue, that’s it.

It wasnt. In TBC if you had previous season set for makrs of honor you were more than compettive in pvp becouse power difference was way smaller. Why? Becouse Blizzard didnt had to inflate power in 4 different raid difficulty levels per tier.

As i said before, they are never gonna reduce raid difficulties to 1.

The versatility advantage it brings far surpasses the “problem” of gear inflation, which is only a problem for some people, i do not care at all for example. I actually like getting higher and higher gear levels.

Anyway, what you suggested doesn’t really solve anything, it only reduced ilvl increase during an expansion, but it has pretty much nothing to do with what i said here, especially now that we are only in the first tier.

Also, yes, the difference between an ungeared and geared character has always been massive.

And right now while the ilvl from start to finish increases much more, at the end of the expansion you also acquire gear that is much higher lvl much faster, so it’s not like the difference gets bigger and bigger.

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