⚔ PvP | #soloqueue / #soloQ | New World PvP vs 9.1.5

It’s must more needed for RBGs. Waiting an hour for 3 healers and a druid tank to sign up is a nightmare, also the reason RBG is dead.

heres your solo q bro

hunter mage disc vs rogue warrior hpal


Its only brawl and only in 9.2 “they will investigate” going nothing to real competetive solo q. Actually there is nothing wrong with non-synergy setups in solo q, its only bad for players who can play only in 1-2 setups and can’t do anything in others. Same was with 6 x 6 brawl in Legion and people was excited about possible 6 x 6 RBG, but its never happens, but Holinka said that he thinking about that.

SoloQ for 2v2 , 3v3
Solo/Duo Que for RBG

Main goals:
To make game where more time is spended playin than waiting.
To stop this meta circus where it doesnt matter how people play but what they play, soloQ will be pure skill which shines bright like north star !

Cant wait Solo Q, gief it yesterday

Sadly only 3v3 without rating

if they werent incompetent they would just copy private server solo q system, it is literally perfect and would be amazing for retail.

I’d rather play very non-meta comps than sit in lfm forever…

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