PvP Tuning -- 10 February

I am not arguing, I agree with you and already stated my mind on this topic, DK needs rework
We suffer a lot at the moment, in PvE and PvP for different reasons of course, and rework is well needed

And mb yes some classes can have stance - like warrior or powers like paladin(anything else for another class) thats will increase 1 of the direction - be more tanky, or have outheal or something. With some talents on choice like trees or nowdays talents.

DKā€™s did have stances, 3 - blood for tanking, frost for dmg, unholy for speed and runic generationā€¦ we would swap, our runic power would drop, and we could for example survive more (swapping to Blood in PvP was mandatory when low health)

imho one big mistake was separating pvp and pve altogether, which concluded in ie. UHDK being exceptional in PvE but sucks in PvPā€¦ we are not going to talk about blood, which is just joke, and Frost that is just getting lamest buffs of 2%, 5% and nerfing snowballā€¦

Also can someone remind me how is SNOWBALL (chill streak) frost DEATH KNIGHT defining? I struggle to see it since Legion

They reworked CS btw, or iā€™m just didnā€™t see. He tick faster and now have beter animation this Wensday reset? Coz lat time i played in BFA CS was the way more slowly and his animation vision was almost imposible to see.

lock still having less representation than mages by 9% and frost gets a buff.
good troll

GOOD Hunter SV changes.


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Where are the fury warrior buffs? My alt gets killed through 25%vers & Enraged Regeneration CD by almost every other spec, got half the utility of an arms warrior and doesnā€™t even have access to a Mortal Wounds debuff. Literally unplayable.

yeah buff fury warriors while you can play arms.
Meanwhile warlock which is a CLASS can stay in the gutter.

Canā€™t be that bad when you are 2.4k in two brackets. Also, you could play RBG where affli is actually one of the top specs.

What does fury warrior excel at? Yeahā€¦

Warlocks and DH have BFA flashbacks - they want back glory and honor!

lol ok dude.

Im Programm holy priests

walking the Redemp path, i see :joy:

  • A whole lot of non-changes, why was UH dot nerfed in the first place? It was absolutely gutted going into SL without the periodical pops

  • I donā€™t see how impactfull these mana regen buffs/nerfs will matter. MW will still pop way too easily and hpalas donā€™t really hardcast, nerf holy too much without addressing prot and well

  • No nerfs to the damage of top performing specs? Ok. Not buffing the damage of underperforming specs ontop of that? Eh

I doubt will have real impact, the hunter stuff especially is just a spit in the face, if you want pet rezz to have a 4 sec cast to make it MEANINGFUL atleast make a pvp talent for people or something, watching SV hunters have their pet killed by cleave only to have to turtle to get a rezz off is a bit soul crushing


Yes itā€™s true.

Source: Iā€™m an Unholy main =(

A whole lot of non-changes, why was UH dot nerfed in the first place? It was absolutely gutted going into SL without the periodical pops

Because it was performing too well in raids. Blizzard is an indie company who doesnā€™t have enough resources to balance PVP/PVE separately. If we only had some kind of system which works only in pvp/warmode which could be tuned separately.

I donā€™t see how impactfull these mana regen buffs/nerfs will matter. MW will still pop way too easily and hpalas donā€™t really hardcast, nerf holy too much without addressing prot and well

You presume blizzard has any idea what makes different classes strong or weak. There is a blizzard employee who stays in a dark room and pulls random levers for random buffs/nerfs when it comes to pvp.

No ret and ww dmg nerfs again nice.

Nerf rog restealth conduit.

Nerf intervene.

Nerf skillstreak

After this weekend AWC and representation of fire mages over the roof, I think it is clear SOMEONE in balance team is ignoring a lot of issues (and WW monk dmg, like srsly?)

I started and after i watched holypala/warr/fmage mirror for a while i pressed alt f4. I expect other matches werent great tooā€¦

Please consider doing some balancing pvp tuning for arms warrior, elemental / enhancement shaman, retribution pala, fire mage and windwalker monk next.

They are all very strong.