PvP Tuning Changes for 27 January

A step in the right direction. It’s good that they make smaller steps, that’s the way, but only if combined with more often tunning.
Not sure those changes will be enough, but if they monitor the impact and make another iteration soon, if needed, this is the right approach.
Now, if we see some ww dmg nerfs, intervene nerfs and ret one shots nerf, lock legendary nerf, we might actually start moving towards a better balanced pvp scene.


Missing fixes:

  • Healing hands nerfed by 20%
  • Mage barriers nerfed to 15% max health
  • Dampening healing reduction is doubled on non-healers
  • Rising Sun Kick nerfed by 20%
  • remove Dark Archangel (seriously, there’s TOO MUCH damage already)
  • give some PvP talents to somehow counter purge spams, like “When one of your buffs or HoTs is dispelled from target, it gains stacking 10% chance to resist dispel. Stacks up to 5 times.”

I guess it’s something, but this feels like it’s not enough

Fire damage is still too high, ret/prot healing is still too high, WW/ret damage needs a nerf, and warrior utility also needs a nerf


Where the monks, where the monks, where the monks at?

Step by step.
it is better to make frequent and small changes than large ones but rare ones. I hope they continue doing small changes but more frequently.


How about you fix death knights already?!

The amount of toxicity in this thread is unbelivable… These are good changes and I appreciate them. It’s great to see 20% nerfs instead of completely destroyed specs, so let’s keep it like that. Good job devs, let’s see this more often!


Don’t forget warriors :wink:


Are you insane lol

Nice changes, actually surprised gj blizz. Wish they would tune ww damage and war utility though.

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Kyrian got nerfed from 350 Mastery to 175 in PvP.

Not enough, but they did in the first wave.

I also think damage is not the problem but how long CDs last, what ttanslates to damage.

Arms untouched?


Great to see a blue post on PvP forums, the changes make sense. However, there are still a lot of underrepresented classes and specializations who could use some tuning. Especially on higher rating it becomes more and more homogenized, I’m currently 2800 current rating and you only meet the same 3 classes / specializations. Some tunings and buffs to the following specializations could help a lot and bring more flavor to PvP:

  • Mistweaver Monk
  • Havoc Demon Hunter
  • Frost Death Knight and Unholy Death Knight
  • Destruction Warlock and Demonology Warlock
  • Frost Mage and Arcane Mage
  • BM Hunter and Survival Hunter

I mainly play Frost DK which has one of the least represented rates in PvP and PvE. Reverting the Shadowlands Beta nerfs to Pillar of Frost - back to 45 s (60 s atm) would be a great start.

With 45 seconds cd on Pillar of Frost, it now lines up properly with Empowered Rune Weapon (90 s cd), Chill Streak (45 s cd) and Frostwyrm’s Fury (90 s cd). It would make the gameplay a lot more satisfying and fluid. The nerf to Pillar of Frost was a punch it the gut to Frost DK and makes the class clunky and unsatisfying.

Switching a bit of the power from Chill Streak to Obliterate would also be nice.


Imagine bashing warlock, which isnt even an S Tier class and sticks behind all the other casters…


Frost DK and frost mage really do not need any buffs, they’re already good

Apart from Intervene i rather would see buffs to other via utility.

Every specc should be almost where Arms currently is.


Oh no, I’m 20% weaker now :joy:


+40% Versatility from the 2-Set PvP Trinket bonus still not working on pets.
Unholy / BM / Demo is missing like 15% pet damage in PvP due to this bug.


I agree that HPal ist the best performing healer. But who cares about divine favor. Just leave the good healers the way they are because they are fun to play. Buff the underperforming classes, like mistweaver. Make all specs fun and rewarding to play pls!


Dampening will begin at 20% when both teams have either a tank or healer.

both teams


Can you read