🅰 Pyrewood Village <ONYXLOCKER> [EU] [PVE] [ALLIANCE] - Casual Raiding Guild

Oh posted with my kids char, classic!

Updated with Raid Schedule

Only 1 more week to go!

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More raid group places available

Cannot wait to experience Classic with these guys!

5 days to go! Also we fully welcome just social, levelling players or casual + raiding or if you just love wow!

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Hi I’d like to join on my Frost Mage! I’ll pm the officers ingame and join the discord sever!

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We’re so close now!

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3 days!! I think they’ve added to the new servers too late!


Do you accept very casual players? A friend and I are going to start playing WOW Classic and I thought that getting into a guild would be great since in Vanilla help were needed to make some stuff.

We’re not interested in raiding, maybe once if people is needed to make the numbers, we’re looking more for dungeons and questing, and since we’re 48 and 58 we’re not rushing anything, just playing in a friendly environment is what we’re looking for.


Players like you are more than welcome!

We’re so close now!

Hey there in your guild is it alright not to be able to 100% attend your 2 days raiding weekly? Also me and friend of mine are new to Classic we never played Vanilla the days only a bit of private server we rolled both as Night Elf Rogues until level 20 then quitted cause thats when some corruption stuff happened then we stopped playing lost trust ever playing any of Vanilla private servers. So we will be reading every bit text of quest slowly because as we know quest back the day compared to retail is alot different and we really like the lore of WoW. We played retail the longest until level cap 120 with my friend being Dwarf Fire Mage and me this my character posting as 120 Dwarf Fury Warrior.

Yes of course mate, we are a casual guild and our main aim is for all of us to have fun. I’ll be playing the same as you, taking my time and enjoying the journey, the best bit of wow classic!

Sitting at login screen :slight_smile:

3 more hours!!

150+ Strong, come join us

One of the best guilds I’ve been a part of.
Helpful, friendly, both hardcore and casual players alike and all around fun people :slight_smile:

Come join us and enhance your classic experience !


200+ members and growing, leveling and dungeon run fun ahead!

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