Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

so what? if highelves can bring to this game a lot of people so why not?

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Black, white and silver. A couple of new hairstyles (not copy pasted from BE) would be nice too.

And that would be it.

The blond hair styles will come, without any doubts. It will also likely bring back many casuals to the Alliance as well.

Before 8.2 they told also the world how much they are against relaxed reputation rules for transmogs and yet they are here now. Never take their words for granted. Most of the time it’s about marketing, publicity and making a buck of our money.

I main a Void elf on the Alliance. THIS is my main. And I’m using the natural skins (but my profile is still updating)

And on the Horde side I main a Zandalari.

So don’t lie

Yea good boy I just wanted to direct everyone that what you are requesting is different than what I as an Alliance player want :rofl:

What did I requested you lunatic?
I argued there are way too many elven races to add another one and I said I would prefer any other race to be added instead.

Playing defensive now?

anyway what you requested for horde I don’t mind it I want High Elf for Alliance.

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Imagine howmany players go from Horde to Alliance if we get true highelves

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like 70% blood elves.

Likely 15-20%, mostly people who are not bound by their friends or obligated raiding duties.

As if it would even go beyond single digits. :upside_down_face:

What defensive?
I didn’t request anything …

Is this seriously still a thing ? We got void elves with blood elf customs , you aren’t getting high elves , just stop already


Y’all said this would happen with Void Elves, then when they got Helf customisations and… it never happened. This idea that all blood elf players just wanna be an alliance player is delusional at best.


As I have said, some Helf fans are happy and accepted what we got.

Others still want more. You can’t make 100% of the community happy :man_shrugging:

I’m personally happy and I’m enjoying playing my Hunter.

You can’t always get what you want. Void elves with belves customs is what we get , period. This constant whining for more needs to stop

NO! i want highelves! we want highelves!

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Speak for yourself. Also you aren’t getting them.


what was this?

Lol why are you against what people request I also want High Elves. If you are happy with your BloodElf stay happy :rofl:

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