Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

You can’t be serious. They can look exactly like a High Elf if you want to.
Both sides have access to High Elves now.

Blood Elves = High Elves, they changed their name in order to honor the fallen.
Void Elves = Literally Blood Elves, as you’ve seen in the questline, with some void corruption, some more than others.

The playable Void Elves we got to play as at first were the Blood Elves we rescued. Now, they gave us the option to change that, and play as the High Elf Wayfarers we get to see in Telogrus Rift.

It’s up to you. In both cases you are a Blood / High (literally the same) Elf with some void powers. It doesn’t change your race.

Yes, I KNOW your character tooltip will say Void Elf, arguably a bad name choice imo, but since they went with the Blood Elven storyline back then they had to name them somehow and they obviously couldn’t name them Blood Elves too.


This :100:

With some imagination, I made my character look exactly like a Helf (trying to get the Silver covenant tabard later)

Unfortunately they want Blonde elves who don’t turn Voidy during combat. So basically Blood elves on the Alliance.

That can’t happen because we already have 2 Thalassian models playable. A Third one is too much.

And what would be their customization anyway? Considering the fact Blood elves and void elves now have blue eyes. What would make the new race of high elves unique? Nothing.


they are not what we ever asked, and asking.

I have void elves characters, they doesnt look like highelfs we ever wished. Void elves just got different skin color option…but everything else remain same

lol no.
Void elves/bloodelves are as much highelves as undead and worgen are just humans.


It is literally in lore that they’re the exact. same. race.
The actual canon says this.
Proven by the fact that Blood Elves have blue eyes too.


Playable Worgen are literally cursed Gilnean humans. You can even retain your human form outside of combat forever and we have many examples in lore, where you can even fight as a human without transforming, if you can control it.

Undead are another story, not even close to human as cursed Gilneans are.

Playable Gilneans are something more than just a human, but that doesn’t change the fact that they continue to be a human too. They get to keep their humanity, unlike the Undead.

Now, Blood Elves and High Elves don’t even have this difference between them. Literally nothing other than just political differences and allegiances.

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Bloodelves still reek from the taint of their demonic magic thats somethign you cannot just erase when you recharge a sunwell. The void elves reek from Void Magic,

But high-elves are pure. like humans are pure and not blessed with the power of the Worgen, or humans cursed with undeath.


Valen said otherwise

In time, the light and hope held within - will rebirth more than this mere fount of power… Mayhap, they will rebirth the soul of a nation

They aint pure at all pure high elves are technally the Highborne NE in kalimdor.

Honestly all this talk about how blue eyed, pale, blonde elves are “spiritually pure” is feeling real… familiar at this point

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Actually, the chance is extremely high. The developer team went back on their original stance and added the belf skins to the velves likely because of the very poor Mechagnome reception. Given how this topics has been an on-going problem, they will surely give the Velves a blond hair options over time.

Problem was that Blizzard knew from day -1 that there is an request for High Elves for at least a decade. Instead honoring it, they added a compromise which caused this whole fiasco in the first place.

Fanboyism has no place here.

So many posts because people got to repeat themselves multiple times thanks to certain peoples inability of either reading or thinking.

Maybe some Blood Elves still reek from the taint, but not all of them.
The new customizations (and not only) prove this.

I understand what you ask for. But man, it’s not going to happen. Void Elves and the new High Elven options are the compromise for the Alliance.

True, the race name, racials and voice lines will never be what you wished for.
But at the very least, you can easily look as a High Elf now. Roleplay, use your headcanon and play as a Silver Covenant member.

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And you think that women in real life are financial commodities, I think we can safely rule out your views as having any basis in common sense or decency. Silence.

Can you revisit that sentence and try to make it be coherent. Void Elf options were passed for Blood Elves? What does that even mean?

Sorry, what? No…Have you -seen- the state of playable Nightborne as opposed to the NPC models? Guys, guys, this fella thinks the playable Nightborne look better than the Suramar NPC’s!

And what -precisely- is a High Elf, just so we can work out how far down the ridiculous scale we are going here. Don’t use the words Silver Covenant, as that just shows you have 0 understanding of what High Elves are.

Void Elves are the only Corrupted ones, Blood Elves and High Elves are not corrupted.

Not exactly true that is it? the difference between a Blood Elf and a High Elf is the difference between which political party you vote for, and whether you are vegan, or like Steak. They are biologically -identical-.

No they don’t. That isn’t a thing at all though mate. The only ones that would have any Demon Magic taint on them is Warlocks and Demon Hunters, the Alliance have both. Heck, the High Elves even have Warlocks (Summoner Nolric in Dalaran for one). The Green eyes is what happens to a High or Blood Elf exposed to fel, Blizz even confirmed that lorewise the High Elves of the Allerian Expedition have fel-green eyes, and that Blood Elves who lived in Dalaran when during the TBC era have blue eyes, there’s even blue eyed Belf mobs in game since Wrath (Interestingly the Sunreaver mobs that spawn during the Purge of Dalaran have an equal chance of having green or blue eyes), It also seems that the Sunwell -can- in fact cleanse the fel eye thing, which makes sense, it is the source that nourishes both Blood and High Elves now. (So the Allerian High Elves are also likely to see their eye colour changing back to blue as well)

Void Elves you’re right though, that is a completely different power, and one that actually infused their bodies, there is no hiding what they are, because it has fundamentally altered their very DNA, to an extent that their -blood- is a different colour, and Void tainted.

It is a bit. “ummmmm… are we sure we’re following that line of thought?”

Yeah, but where was the Horde compromise? Ogres are the direct parallel to High Elves, both in the faction from the start, neither playable races.

There is a lot of it going around on both sides…“Blood Elves survived off Fel!” No! They! Didn’t! Read up on the Exile and -why- it happened! The High Elves were chill with Fel! They have Warlocks of their own! It was purely about draining mana from leylines and objects (the High Elf Way) or draining mana from leylines and objects -and- living creatures (The Blood Elf Way)
A lot of people keep repeating incorrect arguments on both sides.


So yea, what you got is not enough?
Well, it is same for us we didn’t get what we want.

Isn’t it a hypocrisy? horde allowed to ask for what they want but Alliance are not allowed not only that I can see horde requesting races for alliance. it looks more a demand than a request and when you say horde can have these races that asked they play defensively.


The Nightborne request is about more options, not a zealous request for one specific combination of features. Void Elves are already the most popular allied race with the most amount of customization options. I’m sorry, but voids elves are officially at the bottom of the list of allied races needing more of anything.

Blonde hair may or may not happen. But this is getting ridiculous in terms of how spoiled this sounds

No. It’s that what exists is fundamentally broken.
Also the Nightborne are original unlike the High Elves and so they actually have a reason to exist.

I’d like to know in what universe this doesn’t look like a high elf.

h ttps://imgur.com/A2gxLXu

(remove the space between h and t)

You’ll get them, they made you a suitable polygon model based on the KT and Rexxar.

The usual hair colors and styles are missing.

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Have you -seen- what Nightborne get? The models weren’t even finished when they were released, they still aren’t. Void Elves have the most customisation out of any Allied Race, and you want -more-? At the expense of every other Allied race?

Did they though? And are we even -getting- any future Allied Races?

There is no Horde Option comparable with what the Alliance got with the Void Elf customisations.

That needs to happen before -yet more- customisation for the Void Elves, who already got more than every other AR.

Usual as in 1% of the high elf population that we have ever seen and so you imagined what is usual for the 99% we never got to see?

You can do a lot with gray. Not only its a natural color, it can also be sign of age and wisdom and some high elves did have a silvery hair type, which the image looks like.