Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

Here is a nameplate tag maker for you:

Exactly my thoughts…

"You do realize that

  1. Alliance players have had to earn reputation with High Elven factions/groups in multiple expacs, meanwhile Horde could not or were even hostile to them.

  2. There are a multitude of Alliance High Elf NPCs in our cities and portal rooms, and more pop up ever exapc with our Warfront NPC who teleports us to Arathi and Darkshore for the entirety of BFA being a High Elf.

  3. All of our classes trainers in the Alliance-only section of Dalaran were High Elves and some still are

  4. During Legion in Suramar, the High Elven faction is camped out with the Alliance/Night Elves and NOT with the Blood Elves, and when all three groups approached Ellisande on the bridge the High Elves marched alongside the Nelves, NOT the Belves, and Elisande reffered to the Helves as a separate group from the Belves.

  5. There is a High Elf NPC in the Belf starter zones who literally tells you they are a High Elf, not a Blood Elf. They seem to want to make the distinction very clear.

  6. Ely Cannon, head art director, said this:

“This is another place where there was a race, High Elves, in the game which hadn’t really been represented on player characters. Blood Elves were the closest, but had felt green eyes. It was an opportunity where we had a number of elven races, and we could tie it back to their roots , letting players choose where they want to align and what fantasy to play out. We did have a lot of discussion about it, ultimately we might do more in the future, but for now we’re providing the option to have a few High Elf customizations available.”

Which implies High Elves =/= Blood Elves. Are they the same race, or at least almost the same race, physically? Sure, although one could argue the exposure to fel and then subsequently the Sunwell changed the physiology of the Blood Elves, if only their eye color physically representing this, just like exposure to the Void changed the physical appearance of Void Elves but they are still Blood/High Elves technically as they are all the same race. But politically they are an entirely different group. It’s like how colonial Americans and homeland British were both caucasian but you wouldn’t say they are the same people, especially after decades/centuries of living apart and having completely different political allegiances. And then the British went and siphoned power from fel and later siphoned power from the Sunwell, both of which changed their physical appearance.

So it’s perfectly logical for Blood Elf RPers to dislike/be hostile towards High Elf RP’ers and vice versa."

That is true

But if Alliance gets High elves (something that is similar to a Blood elf and a Void elf, apart from the name) then Alliance will be a even more joke, because we didn’t get any unique race.

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With Anduin as leader, the faction has been a meme for 4 years

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I would Suggest Alleria as leader. but she will become a Alliance Windrunner Version of Sylvanas with Shadowlands 2.0 in the future.

So yeah. I don’t want her to end up as a boss :sweat_smile:

So this, gladly i found this. We will get them playable in the future

Anything to confirm your agenda huh ?

https://www.wowhead.com/news=316803/shadowlands-zones-covenant-armor-and-character-customization-interview-with-art- here , catch.

It still won’t happen. But hey you can keep believing in it if you want.

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Anything to confirm your agenda? HUH?

I just wanna play an elf paladin. Mind I wouldn’t mind a kyrian one now I have seen them. I’m not even bothered about the wings.

Except what I say has been proven , that’s why high elves arent a race but void elves are. Void elves and blood elves are what you’re getting , and that will be it , they might add a few more customisations sure , but you arent getting high elves , i can promise you that

Blatant words with no source to proving anything. Nice.

Are high elves a race in the game ? No they arent , there’s your source buddy. Actually I correct myself , high elves are blood elves and perhaps void elves as well , so there are your high elves.

No, no. Since you need some source for proving, do it now and prove what you wrote with OFFICIAL SOURCE.

The proof is literally right there , you have high elves with blood elves and void elves , they arent making a new high elf race. You can keep believing in it if you want , I wont stop you , but you’re dreaming if you think it will happen.

I need source to prove your agenda…

The source is in the character creation

Right…you can’t prove anything because you are troll. Tried to bite me…but look the shoe is on the other foot.

“You disagree with me so you’re a troll”

Have a read “troll” - Taken from Reddit

They’re one and the same. Blood Elves are those High Elves who survived Arthas’ conquest of Quel’thalas during WC3. They took the name to honor the 90% of High Elven society Arthas killed. The name split happened when Kael’thas made his people turn to using fel energy to satiate their mana addiction.

This was caused after the Sunwell got corrupted from Arthas using it to ressurect Kel’Thuzad as a lich. Tholse that didn’t agree with Kael were made outcasts and kicked out of Quel’thalas and kept the name of High Elf. The Blood Elves got green eyes from the taint of fel energy, kinda how orcs got green skin from drinking demon blood.

Void Elves are Blood/High Elves who want to channel and master using the void as a means for power. Since Alleria pretty much knows how they turn to her to control the void powers. Since Alleria is still loyal to the Alliance her aprentacies will be too. So all three are actually the same people just using different forms of magic to fill their mana addiction