Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

This is business as usual in my opinion and to be honest it’s healthier for the Alliance to hate on the Horde than to spend time wallowing in self pity, telling everyone who would listen how Horde-biased everything is and how it totally sucks to be Alliance then act all shocked when the majority go for the Horde. Let them hate on the Horde, I can take it.

Your not getting an exact blood elf copy/paste.

Void Elves are the answer. You don’t deserve the race, because your selfish and ungrateful

I believe there is a reason for that

We have to break Horde monopoly of this game.

Bah the typical you are not getting. Sorry but it is not for you to decide.

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And it’s not for you to say that you will get them, either.

But we are not preventing you from getting anything we just want something for us.

You’ve got something for you.

Stop taking from the Horde.

i don’t understand you,

the playable high elves are the faction named the blood elves allied with the horde,
of this high elf faction a number became void elves and allied with the alliance

seems to me you actually have your playable alliance high elves blue eyes and everything


If you cant see in my answer , that i answer your question , do not ask it again.

It’s pretty obvious want we want. Queldorei highelves such as silver covenant. No blood elves.

I mean making threats like this isnt making alliance appeal any better at least not in my opinion. If i was reading these as new player id choose horde since they to me seem mature and less id like to say whiney but its not exactly the word i mean. There are still servers with alliance majority its not like its 80/20 for horde.

Maybe alliance just tends to pull in different type of people than horde making it unbalanced (Rpers and casuals)

Anyways back to the topic, i do hope blizzard never gives in to this madness. Void elves were a compromise and its fine im happy alliance got their asked elfs, but blood elves were never a neutral race to begin with like pandaren so sharing exactly the same looks wont go.


since elves are alliance race, you should thank your lucky stars that elves even made to horde…

Like it was revealed that horde was dying …so blood elves happened.

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they ‘made’ it to the horde because of the alliance

Now we can see what these people want.

Delete the Horde faction.

because people didnt want to play such faction.

sooo… you want that back?

flash news…we want playable race that are already in the alliance - playable. It has nothing to do with your “horde”.

you can play them they are the faction of high elves called void elves

such as silver covenant highelves. If i want to play void or blood elf i can create one. but they are not what we asking.

what do you think the difference is?

futhermore afterwards - what do you think the difference between blue high elves and red high elves is?

Alliance players blame blood elves for the fact that horde has more players. I mean sure it helped i was one of the people that switched to Bloodies when they came out back at the days :stuck_out_tongue:

difference are already written in OP first post. read there.