Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

It really isn’t that serious. They’re never going to make blue-eyed Blood Elves for the Alliance, so they’re trying to find a compromise. I have a love-hate relationship with Blizzard, but at least they’re trying. I think this solves the High Elf situation easily, y’all are just ungrateful children who don’t care about the lore and only yourselves. Grow up and accept this, because it is the ONLY thing that will come close to a playable High Elf.


Any support these high elf fanatics had is over, luckily most people are happy with these changes and there is just a few cry babies (2 that i can see in this thread) that are still throwing there dummies out the pram.

When does it stop! your given High Elves, oh i want tattoos, i want the the western side of Silvermoon rebuilt for the alliance, i wan’t High elf druids. this constant demanding needs to end.

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Yes, and they’re posting on here as if anyone cares. As if anyone wants to listen to them whine about this. It’s a great compromise, I don’t know why it’s such a big deal.

I dont understand.
If it is for RP-reasons: There are addons to swap race-ID
So whats the problem here?

I only see lack of blonde hair as an issue . But sure as hell will racechange.
Never liked the Purple

Even if they look closer to there High Elven cousins they are still Void Elves, i think giving them blonde hair pushes them too close to just being High Elves. Keep the washed out tones maybe add white and black but no blonde.

They shouldn’t give Void Elves blonde hair. Even if these changes are to satisfy the High Elf whiners, it is still a Void Elf at the end of the day. Maybe white hair or black, but not blonde or anything too Blood Elf-y.


I would avoid bright colors altogether for them.


I was actually hoping for a white almost vampric pale skintone and black hair i never imagined we would get flesh tones. but i can still hope for my black hair =P

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I mean white/pale is fine, its practically a lack of color :wink:

Its the bright coloration that looks weird on void elves.

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At this point, Blizz should just make High Elves a neutral race and change to either Void Elf of Blood Elf depending on the faction you pick.


Void Elves are enemies of the state and a mortal danger to every single Blood Elf in Silvermoon.

Hard no.

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lol i just wanted to make an Alucard Van Helsing clone.

I remember this image that put the idea in my head.

https:// i.redd.it/74f24ec2be541.png

It’s like talking to a brick wall.

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Hey I’m a Demon Hunter!
It’s worse than talking to a brick wall!

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Here we go, I knew it. Not one day in, and somehow Blizzard offering player choice is ‘spitting on us’. What an overused piece of hyperbole.

But sure, lets address this.

Well, while we know they did exist, they were mega, mega rare even -before- the Scourge came. I have no idea where people get this whacked out idea that High Elves used loads of Paladins. It was never their style of war, in fact the race as a whole never really favoured armoured cavalry until the Blood Knights were created. Sure they exist, just like High Elf Warlocks exist, but they are -rare-.

This would basically be asking for an extra class for Void Elves. Not really fair is it?

Yes there are, just not bright blonds and light browns. Big Whup, High Elves did have other hair colours you know?

What madness is this? WHY on earth would the Alliance get Silvermoon? It is a Horde city populated by 90% of the Thalassian Population, who are High Elves who call themselves Blood Elves.

It is already in the hands of its rightful owners, and the Alliance actually have zero legitimate claim to it.

If we’re on about what Alleria says, she is expressing her -hopes- that Silvermoon will once again stand with the Alliance. Not “Lets go invade” but “Next time don’t do a Dumb Dumb when Lor’themar enters into talks to rejoin the Alliance”

If you’re talking about what the Void Whispers say to Alleria about it being hers by right, you do know the Void sometimes lies, right? Alleria has no ‘right’ to the throne, she never did have. She’s a -Windrunner- The only thing they had in terms of hereditary was the title of Ranger-General. There is one legitimate ruler of Quel’thalas, and that is the current Regent Lord. No one else has any claim that would be legally recognised.

Because most people have gotten what they wanted, and are reasonable, rather than grumbling about not getting enemy faction capital cities and extra classes


Well by looking at new appearance options this thread can be locked. Void Elf is basically getting belf/helf skin color~

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Nice try. Why hang in a thread you want locked?

High elf paladins were always rare. I’ll still keep om wishing for them, though. Mainly for purely selfish reasons.

Agreed. We, the pro high elf community, never asked for Silvermoon for the Alliance, and making such a request is not within our general agenda. Silvermoon belongs to the first elven faction that joined the Horde, and as long as factions exist s they currently do, giving a city to the opposite faction sounds wild and, frankly, unnecessary.


What we’re getting seems to be the high and blood elves in Telogrus becoming a second generation of void elves, with fewer to no physical alterations. The way it gets implemented right now seems to make sense like that.

Personally, I can’t say I ever wanted this solution, and have repeatedly opposed the idea, because the new options would still be void elves, and not proper high elves. But it’s here, and it’s a lot better than what we’ve ever gotten before. I will still argue in favour of alterations made possible for racial abilities, such as turning Entropic Embrace and Spatial Rift’s visual effects into something that looks more arcane than void based. Similarly, I’ll keep on hoping for paladins. A way of implementing those without looking ridiculous, would be to give the class some restrictions similar to appearance restrictions for death knights and demon hunters; blueberry (current void elf) skintones and void tendril hairstyles being unavailable for paladins.


LoL~ If you think that they will add the same race with different name then you are delusional :roll_eyes:

I hated the idea since start but this is next level

You still didn’t answer my question. Why are you here?

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To spread info that you will not get it? Why you are here?