As a general thing, and not targeting anyone specifically, but does anyone else find it troublesome when people type things like “Thats a lot of words, I don’t understand it”
Can anyone who went to school vaguely recently shed some light on this, do they not teach literacy in the schools the same way anymore, or have they dialled back on it in favour of computer studies lessons or something, which I could understand, due to the shift in media, but would explain the young people response of “Thats too many words, I can’t read/understand it!” To which many adults would be like “That really is not a lot of words, have you ever read a -book-? A short story even?”
I mean I can understand People with conditions like Dyslexia, which I would personally find awful to live with, and I totally get that some people just don’t read as much as others, my little brother doesn’t, he’s not thick at all, just it isn’t his idea of fun. But it does seem to be on the increase in more recent years, and I wonder how much is due to this modern fad of using textspeak and as few words as possible to communicate even though a)We’re not charged per letter over the internet, and b) sometimes the abbreviations then have to be explained to more literate types, thereby making them pointless in the first place!
‘smth’ made no sense to me until I asked, and then I had to ask whether ‘smh’ meant the same but even shorter.
In both cases the person using the acronyms had to use more letters to actually explain what ‘smth’ and ‘smh’ meant, than they would have done if they had just actually typed the words out in correct English!
Maybe grown ups need our own version of ‘TL:DR’ , perhaps ‘TA:DMS, TA’
“Too Abbreviated, Doesn’t Make Sense, Try Again!”
Sadly so. Still the same. Some people don’t realise that High Elves exist that are not members of the Silver Covenant, and you still have absolute loonies who believe that Instead of playable High Elves, Silvermoon Quel’thalas -and- Suramar (No idea how they got dragged into this) should all be just outright given to the Alliance wholesale.
Needless to say, this all makes playable High Elves seem less likely than ever, when people come out with demands like that…
Seems that way, There are Naga around since their transformation, and the Shal’dorei seem to have come under the same benefits as the Kaldorei, which kind of makes sense. I suppose it is similar to how the Sunwell works on Sin’dorei and Quel’dorei alike, no matter how far away they are.
I suppose one way of looking at it, is that the Exile of the Quel’dorei was not -so- long after the Sundering, and so the ebb and flow of magic was doing very strange things, perhaps it was a sheer physical removal from the mainstream of society, as there would have been residual magic there, after all, that is what caused the mutation from Trolls in the first place, then when the Sunwell was created on Quel’danas it stabilised their condition.
We know this because Naga, Night Elves, Nightborne, Quel’dorei and Sin’dorei can all breed ‘true’ to their type of Elf (Obviously the Quel’dorei are a shrinking population, but two Quel’dorei would still have a Quel’dorei child. If they could put down the Human boytoys for five minutes or so ) We have at this moment no idea whether Ren’dorei are even capable of having children, and to be honest, Blizzard probably want to leave the morally horrible mathematics of that best left unsaid.
So whilst some Naga and Shal’dorei are incredibly ancient, they too, like the Night Elves are likely to have picked up on ageing again.
This said. Naga are just flat out weird. They make no sense, especially the newer ones born since Aszhara’s deal, (and we know there are newer ones)
Why do the females have chesticles? Neither male nor female Naga have ‘bits’ as we know them, so likely are similar to actual snakes in that regards. We know they lay eggs, so why in the name of all that is unholy do female Naga still have lady bumps after ten thousand years of evolution? Who are they going to breastfeed with them? They lay Eggs!
All very strange…