Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

No im not its you who act ignorant as you refuse to listen when people explain the reasons to you and think blizard should change the game by some childish request from crying alliance players

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It doesn’t have to be either/or. I have both a “High elf” and a Void elf character.

But yes, Void elves are very cool. The only thing bad about them is that for a Gothy race they lack actual black hair color.

I don’t want Dark green, that doesn’t pass as black in my book. Speaking as someone who actually has black hair and was a goth for almost 3 years

AKA you find the requests of getting playable High Elfs on Alliance childish, despite High Elfs already existing in numbers as Alliance NPCs. You’re the one ignoring reasons and logical possibilities as per lore.


It shouldn’t be either or… I agree. But to some people it apperently is life or death do or die important. Also all Void elfs and N’zoth void alligned should have a demon/cat eye N’zoth eyes customazation option for their characters!

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Yes there have been seen but they are not part of the alliance so its you who ignore lore not me and it was not that is refered to as childish it was you sugesting they should rework the races to give them and advantage against the horde just cause you cant win with skills and blames it on the racials instead of improving at the game

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What? Most High elves are very much part of the Alliance, only the Kirin Tor being neutral.

Highvale is alliance
Stormwind citizens is alliance
7th legion High elves are alliance
Theramore high elves are alliance
Allerian Stronghold highelves are alliance
Silver covenant are only neutral in the city, but alliance outside the city.

So, I’m sorry to say you are the one who ignores lore.


Are you telling me that the High Elves within Alliance subfactions aren’t part of the Alliance?

What you do not understand is that there are more High Elves around than the Blood Elves. Some of the remaining High Elves which operates within the Alliance factions are indeed part of the Alliance.

What they do miss though is a common Alliance subfaction for the High Elves with an official leader just like we have the Tushui Pandaren.

For not to mention the High Elves operating in other groups like the Alliance Silver Covenant and the “neutral” Kirin Tor.

This thread is that big that this information should be repeated a hundred times already, and yet you seem to ignore it because it doesn’t fits your interest of maintaining High Elves as Horde Blood Elves only.


:D…dear diary

Yes they are and this is topic about high elves that are in the alliance as an allied race.

Most notable ready to be playable silver covenant high elves.

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no theyre not

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yes i understand there is more high elves than blood elves dont think you can speak for me of what understand and not as i do t think you would have like it if i made up thing about you not knowing obvious things

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no theyre not

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Don’t confuse certain Tauren posters with facts, they don’t like them. Fact scare them, Fact bad, Eww Fact…

No, you have not. I asked the question, how was saying “Alliance won’t get High Elves as an Allied Race” constructive?

Also you clearly have not read the thread where I made many constructive posts, you however have not. I’ve read all your posts on this thread. None of them were constructive.

In fairness, whilst I don’t object to Void Elves getting blonde, Alleria is unique in how she became a Void Elf, no other Void elf became one in the same manner as she did, which might be why, would be my guess.

Do you just try to pick fights and insult people wherever you go, or do you just reserve it for the forums?

Ex-Goth of 15 years waves Never had Black hair, I was strawberry blonde at the time (Who knew your hair colour could change with age, and I’m not even talking about going grey or silver) so the dye just wouldn’t take, what I -did- end up with was, ironically Dark Green whenever I tried :smiley:

Err, really? Have some Facts and see how that works…

The only caveat I would add to that, is that whilst the Silver Covenant -were- Neutral, Jaina brought all of Dalaran into the Alliance after the events of The Purge, now Dalaran is neutral again, we don’t know if the Silver Covenant have returned to Neutrality (Unlikely) or have remained Alliance.

That however ain’t right. Blood Elves make up 90% of the surviving Thalassian Elves, High Elves make up 10%. Doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be playable, but they are vastly outnumbered by Blood Elves. Heck, given that the Scryer’s in lore number in their thousands, there’s probably more Scryers than High Elves, and that’s just one grouping of Blood Elves.

I can think of a few options, Obviously Vereesa, but also Priestess Aurora, Ranger-Lord Renthar Hawkspear, Auric Sunchaser. There are a few heavy hitters who are High Elves.

Ah, but there lies the problem, he doesn’t -want- Blood Elves in the Horde, he keeps twisting every topic to be about Blood Elves and how much he hates them.

Which does beggar the question, if he doesn’t want Blood Elves in the Horde, and doesn’t want Alliance to get High Elves, what does he think the population of Quel’thalas have been doing for the last twenty years. I mean I’d ask, but I’d get the stock response of “I already answered, scroll up, you can’t read…”

For Goodness sake, Tireesa just gave a list of Alliance High Elf groups. The Silver Covenenant are just -one- of them.

Are you seriously suggesting that those High Elves that we see, are not in the Alliance? The ones that Blizzard themselves have said are in the Alliance!

Again, not true, to break it down into easier terms for you, for every One High Elf, there are Nine Blood Elves.

Now can you stop derailing, Mr Tauren, and can we go back to discussing High Elves, or do you still need to let off some more steam and complain about Blood Elves?

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That was a bad formulation from my end, I did not intended to claim otherwise regarding population size of the different elven factions and groups. The biggest group of High Elves are indeed Blood Elves.

Indeed there are some options, but I feel we shouldn’t focus on who to lead as these details doesn’t have any obvious main option, and thus we are risking infighting about details that rather Blizzard’s writers should take care of if they decide to actually realise playable Alliance High Elves.

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Its you who dont like facts as you ignore them when people proves you wrong from the lore. I have already answered you about the high elfs several times so once again scroll up cause i wont repeat myself when you dont listen anyway. Yes i have read the thread as i already told you but you have not made any constructive post so its you who have not read the thread. Its you who insult people werever you go as you always have to make you blod elf nonsense to insult the high elfs. I have not teisted any topic about blood elfs as it you who make insult post with lies that you cant back up. Yes it is true. And again i have never derailed atopic as it was you who did it with your hate post agains high elf by making claims they are identical to blood elves even when you been proven that they are not so you derailed it so take your own advice and stop ruining it for everyone who wants to discuss the topic

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That’s fair enough dude, it is an easy mistake to make, as some people claim that Blood Elves and High Elves are different species, when really, they’re not. It’s sort of like if one American votes Republican, and one votes Democrat, they’re the same -species- it is just a political distinction, like for example some Sunreavers had blue eyes and never green, and High Elves in the Allerian Expedition were supposed to have fel-green eyes originally (Auric Sunchaser actually did on his original model, and he’s definitely a High Elf). Even the Blood Elf ability to drain mana from living creatures is a -learned- technique brought back from Outlands by Rommath. Theoretically this means that any Alliance High Elf could learn to do it (But wouldn’t want to, that was the whole point of the Exile after all).

Does also raise the interesting question, given that it is not an innate ability, as to whether Blood Elf parents with young children now, are still teaching that technique to their young children, given that is no longer necessary! Ponders

True, getting them playable in the first place should take priority, and ultimately it isn’t going to be our choice who they put in place as racial leaders I guess, but I think that’s what we’re doing here is just spitballing ideas around I suppose.

Well you clearly have not. I have made many constructive posts on the topic, as I say, including, but not limited to: Starting zone, Starting quest experience, Heritage armour, racial leaders, new Racials, Mounts.

What have you contributed?

How is coming up with constructive ideas ‘hate posts against High Elves’ and all Thalassian Elves are Identical as a Species! Blizzard have even stated this!

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Maybe you should let her off the hook as lacking mastery or even a basic grasp of the written word is seemingly a serious problem. Short term memory also seems to be an issue. Its no surprise she has to depend on ranting and hyperbole when she has no facts or reason to give her posts substance. It doesnt matter that youre providing her with facts if shes just posting for the sake of attention.

Yes they are clearly you know nothing about the lore as its says itself they are diffrent species

Yes i have and no you have ot made any constructive posts and i have already answered you several times on that so you can just scroll up and read it again as you ignored it when i repsonded to you the first time or you would already know the answer

You havent come up with constructive ideas and no they have not stated it they stated that they are not identical

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They aren’t different species, but they are different groups.

Elisande insults them as two different groups.

First she insulted the night elves, then the High elves, and finally the Blood elves.

3 separate insults. However, they are still the same race: Thalassian.


Night elves? since when?

I meant High elves and Blood elves. Both are Thalassian with slightly different cultures/politics.

Void elves are also Thalassians, though they don’t worship the sun anymore and they bleed purple