Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race

I mean…creating them was the wrong, in the first place. Sorry. That’s nothing against people who like Voidies, or play them or want customisation for them (Though they need to wait their turn) but the very concept of Void Elves, and how they were implemented was absolutely idiotic and produced a lot of problems. Now that isn’t a player problem, that is someone at Blizz needing to be called into an office, asked to sit down, and then asked “What the everliving heck were you thinking?”

They make very little sense. The only way I can rationalise it, as a lore fan, given that Blood Elves are -Totally Cool- with Shadow magic, given that even Anduin ‘Holy Bones’ Wrynn was cool using Shadow Magic on his -own- people sent to rescue him during MoP is the Dark’an Drathir thing. That makes sense. That is the Elf who was directly responsible for the near annihilation of his whole species by unlocking the door for Arthas to march his Scourge army in.
Only then does the Void Elf scenario make sense. “Yeah, you learned to do what you do by working from the notes taken from the person who got 90% of our entire species killed” I mean objectively that is like turning up to a synagogue and going “I read this really cool book called Mein Kampf, it has some interesting ideas in it!” It’s going to annoy people. I mean logically it should actually annoy the High Elves even -more- than the Blood Elves as they got the double whammy of losing 90% of their friends and loved ones and -also- got Exiled as a result of that. High Elves should have an absolute burning hatred of Void Elves…but it is what it is…

Vereesa shouldn’t have an army. At the very best she leads a Sectarian paramilitary organisation without any officially granted authority. She calls herself a Ranger-General, but she never actually earned that rank. She never even finished Farstrider training before she went off gallivanting with Rhonin and becoming an underage teenage mum. (Yes Blizz, that was, and is, incredibly creepy to allow to have happened) She can’t even technically call herself a Farstrider, let alone Ranger-General!

Alleria, as the oldest Windrunner left alive, would be the logical choice to lead, as out of Her, Sylvanas and Vereesa, she is the only one who actually -did- earn her rank.

That aside. I think almost everyone would be pretty cool with some more customisation, and maybe for Void Elves to start calling themselves High Elves. They’re still a tiny amount of people with no known means of creating more of them (Nobody mention Telogrus Rift, as I will have to explain that -again-) but they are enough to be playable, and as such are a viable Allied Race.

The ruler of the High Elves shouldn’t even be Alleria either. She has literally just come back to Azeroth for the first time since the Second War ended. Vereesa is just a kid, and there are better characters who could fill that role.

The Obvious one, would be Auric Sunchaser. He’s a Captain in the Army, not the Farstriders, but still that is a position of respect, which he will have to have earned. He also even has the grudging respect of the Blood Elves to the extent that he is allowed to hang around the Sunwell as and when he likes…I mean no other High Elf has that gig going on. Even Rommath hasn’t kicked off about that, and Rommath is so grumpy he could start an argument in a room if he was on his own!
You’ve got Ranger-Lord Renthar Hawkspear, who is pretty cool, he was the 3iC of the armies of Quel’thalas during the Scourge invasion, a brother officer of equal rank to Lor’themar Theron, and pretty darned tasty in a fight, going by lore sources.
You’ve got Priestess Aurora who is so powerful and confident in her abilities that she BTFO’s Lor’themar, or rather, makes him see her point of view at least. I mean that takes some serious stones… That could have went with Lor’themar just going “Oh, Fair enough, that’s how it is, I’ll just send a hundred troops over tomorrow and annihilate you” But she was able to use that Soft Power approach, to make him reconsider his position.

You’ve got three solid contenders there for a High/Void Elf leadership that don’t include that retconned wet drip Vereesa who never even existed in lore.

I mean I agree. They should just conglomerate the Void Elves and High Elves. As few as they are, the Void Elves would at least bolster the numbers of the High Elves, which can only be a good thing, as they would certainly need it by now.

Problem is, whilst sensible people will go “Yeah, just link them up and work with that” You will still get people asking for unrealistic things. You could even call them ‘High Elves’ and you would still get people screeching “Silver Covenant! Silver Covenant!”

I don’t think they even know what they want themselves at this rate…Which means they’ll get nothing…


It was just an idea, but it was only to cater for people like Moontear. To be fair with you I think the people who may want a separate high elf race to the void elves might be very very few. So few in fact, that other than Moontear and 1 more person who stopped playing several months ago I have not yet met someone who is so much against void elves that they would want a completely separate race. Especially now that Void elves can have normal looking skin. They are, after all, High elves who became Blood elves who then got a little altered by the Void which reacted with the Sunwell so Lor’themar sent them away so they just called themselves Void elves instead.

For several of us it is enough to just add a draenei white, a jet black and a voidy blonde (eg. a void highlight or two) and we’re gonna be really happy. And in 10.0 give proper focus on deeper Void features. Like the amazing N’zoth style eyes, and the neon orange firey hair with other colors for tentacles too, like pink-ish, red or glowing black!

Please step in to the desintegration chamber M.O.T.H.E.R. prepared for the Ren’dorei to cleanse Azeroth of the Void-corruption
It’s bad enough, corpses walking around and… super corpses, I guess, like Death Kinghts, but tentacled, multi-eyed abominations would be a bit too much
I mean “holly-:poop:-kill-it-with-fire” level of too much
The current Void Elves at least somewhat try to pretend they are in controll of that universe-consuming, mind destroying, Titan-scaring power they absorbed like a good sponge the elves are…


making high elves playable such as silver covenant…requires…like no work at all. They have everything they need to become playable today.



Horde wants San’layin playable as nr. 1

Because they are MOST played races in World of Warcraft?
Why not please most players with what they been asking for years?

That would work for me.

No, they were high elves and now are different then high elves.

No Alleria and Vareesa are perfect to lead.

Players want high elves for alliance and sanlayn for horde.


Vereesa is incredibly young, and never actually -earned- her position, her actual credentials to lead have never really been tested to any great extent. In fact the one time she did get autonomy, as opposed to like Suramar, where she had three older Elven women as examples, she proved absolutely unfit for command, flew off the handle, and actually started sanctioning war atrocities against civilians.

Those are not qualities you want in a national leader. They’ve always ended badly for everyone concerned. Look at Sylvanas? Is that a good example to emulate? is Garrosh? is Gul’dan? Thats Vereesa. The one time she was let off the leash, she went cuckoo, and a lot of innocent civilians got tortured and murdered.

Now Alleria is different. She -is- the only Windrunner who ever had to actually earn their position, Ranger-Captain in her case. So she -would- one would imagine, be extremely good leadership material, right?

Except she wouldn’t. There are two counts against her, one that will pass with time, but right in the here and now, is a factor, and the other is only likely to get worse.

Addressing the first count against her, is the fact that she has zero personal experience of what has happened on Azeroth for about 40 years. She left at the end of the Second War, and came back at the end of the Legion expansion. Sure, she can talk to others who have, she can read history books, sure. But that isn’t the same thing. I can read about the Vietnam War…it doesn’t mean I experienced it!
Here’s some important High Elf things that she has had no personal experience of.

Dark’hans Betrayal.

The Scourge invasion and elimination of 90% of her people.

The Formation of a new Horde.

The Betrayal of Humanity towards the Elves.

The Death of Anasterian and rise of Kael’thas.

The Betrayal -By- Kael’thas.

The Fel Times.

The Exile of those who refused to consume living creatures

The Purging of Dalaran.

The War of Suramar.

There is so much she just doesn’t have a frame of reference to work with. How does she possibly be in a good position to lead a people, when she doesn’t -understand- those people?

Because let me give you an interesting curveball here. Alleria didn’t experience the Alliance’s aggression to Quel’thalas first hand, she didn’t experience the mana drought (Theoretically she -should- have, but it is never referenced) However Alleria, is proven, by the very fact of what she is, to be an elf who is willing to consume incredibly destructive entropic entities to gain power.
Now if she was given that choice, on Azeroth “So you gonna stay super Mana Vegan and get Exiled, or do you want the Mana steak?” it doesn’t exactly take a genius to work out which way she would have went.

Face it, if Alleria had stayed on Azeroth, given that choice, she’d probably be Ranger-General of Quel’thalas these days. A Quel’thalas that is in the Horde. (She’d probably be more interesting than Halduron Brightwing is, for a start!)
Given what we know Alleria would do, for the purpose of gaining power, she’d be a Horde hero right now, because there is no possible way of reasoning, that she would have backed the High Elves, over the Blood Elves, given that she did something far, far worse than the Blood Elves did. Actually, she kind of did the same. She just ate the whole Naaru…

Secondly her Void Brain Weasels will only grow stronger, we already know they lie to her and try to manipulate her, Void is a power of Entropy and Destruction. Alleria is one person. An Isolated system. In an Isolated system, Entropy can only Increase. Thats a basic Law of reality. She is going to lose her sanity. Not immediately, but it is going to be a degenerative process.

Besides, what’s wrong with Aurora, Auric or Renthar? They’re all pretty solid High Elf heros?

Errrr? You claim to know what Horde players want, right?

Why would I want San’layn? What, a Vampiric Elf? The Horde already -HAS- Vampiric Elves. They’re called Blood Elves! I mean that is literally what they were able to do, (and can still do) drain the essence out of another living creature. I mean that -is- vampirism! That -is- the definition of the word.

The Horde, has had Vampiric Elves since TBC was released. What’s a San’layn, it’s just an even more crude method of Vampirism than a normal Blood Elf, at least with a normal Blood Elf you’re not going to get your clothes all covered in blood, and leave a mess…

Yes you get people on the US forums who rave about San’layn, but really, they don’t do lore too good over them parts, they don’t realise that the aspects they want, they already have, they just need to understand the races of the Horde a bit better. These are also people who bulk bought the Twilight series of movies, and 50 Shades of Grey… They love their weird vampire fetish over there, whereas in Europe we’re more like “Oh Bless…, oh you have vampires that glitter do you? and S&M kinky boss Vampires (50 Shades was originally written as Twilight Fanfic), oh thats cute…you want to sell them to us? Ermm…How about we don’t , you see apart from the -Actual- natives of America, all your legends came from us, we know them far better than you do, and we don’t make them sparkly, You get away with ‘The Lost Boys’ and with ‘Near Dark’ but apart from that USA, you really don’t know squat about Vampires”

coughs, rant over

So no, I don’t want San’layn. They literally, in the correct sense of the word, bring nothing to the Horde.
Now what I think you -will- find, Is that the Kobolds and Gnolls thread does seem to have gone mobile… Besides, in much the same way that I have been presenting interesting possibilities for High Elves in this thread, the support of High Elf Fans to make our Kobolds and Gnolls come true, will always be welcome! Finger guns


:)… So Anduin as 18 years old…is leading whole alliance faction. :clown_face:

They have been warned. And you have no rights to speak about war atrocities and crimes as a horde member. Your faction always start a war.

She is leader and she has title of Ranger-General of the Silver Covenant, like it or not.

She learned how to control it and she is not void elf like other void elves.

DEAR DIARY…check this out… :arrow_heading_down:

Yes, very popular idea in horde playerbase, San’layn as allied race playable.

Are like mechagnomes, nobody will play them, why waste resources of something that is complete rubbish? Better make playable high elves and sanlayn and please most of us.


Funny thing is, san’layn would mix well with the void elves. Yet the opinion of the regular blood elves about being turned undead is rather negative. One side gets help from such ally. Another - just an extra list of problems.

gl hf

I have seen a lot of players asking for Dark Ranger look for their blood elves. They would like that.


Yes, but that would be for horde, because alliance want playable high elves such as silver covenant!

Yes, that could work too i guess. but playable would be even more better.

It would require bending the story quit a bit to make it work. Not saying it can’t be done, 'cause devs do such stuff, but they’re a rather bad fit into that faction at the moment.

Kind of like with blood trolls. I get that the players might want them for the horde, but story-wise blood trolls doubled down in BfA and after (Shadows Rising) on their desire to fight against zandalari and now (since they’re allies) to deal as much damage to the horde as possible.

Could they also be included in the horde? Well, they can be shoved in. But would be also sort of odd, and a one more “why even care about the story” reason IMO.

gl hf

umh, not sure. never heard about them as playable race. Players want ELVES

Yeah, I get that. My point is that san’layn are not any better fit for the horde. I understand that they are here mostly as a suggestion of a “trade off”, but it still does not make IMO san’layn a good fit there after the events of BfA and them turning against the horde NPCs in the process.

gl hf

Sylvanas could lead them :D, if she will not be in charge over Silvermoon after shadowlands.

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Well, you do know how to write horror stories. I’m afraid I won’t be able to sleep well today.

gl hf

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wow,you dont have to act so toxic about it = /

Sylvanas is good, we will find that in next patch

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Sylvanas lead who?
The high elves?
The ones on alliance?
Whose friends were burned inside Teldrassil?

No, Moontear was saying that maybe Sylvanas could lead the San’Layn if they were given to Horde as customization or allied race. Although I doubt the game is heading towards that direction. I think Sylvanas will either: 1. sacrifise herself for the good of Azeroth and its heroes, or 2. be purified and turn back into a High Elf Ranger General, or 3. the most boring and annoying option, lose, admit she was wrong and be forgiven.

Sylvanas needs to die finally/be written out. Anything else will be the most awful writing ever, and trust me, I have worked as a proof reader, I know awful writing.

I don’t mind if she does some heroic sacrifice and dies. Let her have her moment. I don’t even mind if she helps us kill the Jailer and replaces him, staying in the Shadowlands (This is my personal theory) but if she comes back to Azeroth, then Blizzard are out of their tiny little minds.

How is she going to lead these (Entirely extinct after Legion) San’Layn into the Horde? She isn’t even -in- the Horde anymore. She is an active -Enemy- of the Horde. She’s got nothing. She burned the last ‘comrade’ she had, when she whoofed off and disappeared up her own bum after the Mak’gora with Saurfang.

The instant she sets foot on Azeroth, she will just be what she was, a very powerful Dark Ranger. Because we’re going to kill the Jailor, we all know it. So Either Sylvanas replaces the Jailor and stays in Shadowlands, and Steve Danuser has to find someone else to obsess over, or she comes back without those powers. In which case her life expectancy is about T-however minutes it takes troops to mobilise. She’s gonna be Kill on Sight, to both Alliance -and- Horde.

There can only be one Ranger-General at a time, because it -is- a specific title, that means the sole commander of the entire military of Quel’thalas. (It actually predates the Farstriders, their highest rank is Ranger-Lord, but in fairness every Ranger-General has also been a Farstrider). This is also why Vereesa is not really a Ranger-General, her actual rank formally would be Farstrider. (Assuming she did finish her training after getting knocked up by Rhonin, it would simply be ‘Ranger’ if she had not.)

Sylvanas needs to end. Her story has outstayed it’s welcome, and has just become derivative and ridiculous, there is no more power creep they can impose upon her, that will not make the whole franchise an utter farce.

Also, apart from US Twilight Fanboys, who the hells actually want San’layn! :stuck_out_tongue:


I would enjoy her simply being killed off as another deranged Garrosh. She had her time,just let her die for her beliefs.

Atleast until 10.0 where she is resurrected by DKs to fight super sayin aliens thats come to suck the green out of the orcs :stuck_out_tongue: