Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

Hmm look what wowhead found. Unused they wrote but maybe in the future.

If Sylvanas old armor become avialbe to the players. I hope her newer versions of her armor would become too like her High elf version from Shattered legacies clip that would be perfect for Silver covenant High elf (With the matching bow) and her current one (also with the matching bow).

Well perhaps Blizzard is setting up for San’layn to be playable at some point. As there seem that the Scourge have a new “mysterious” leader and newly San’layn have been created, that led the attack on Quel’thalas, that was for the Blood Knight questline at the end of Shadowlands.

If we get the Alliance High elves playable, as I said before then they can corrupt the void elves to the point they will no longer be …a “void elf”. Considering what the void elf fans want to look like when they are asking for in customizations for void elves. Also why I went back to asking for High elves to be playable.

If Blizzard had released the High elves as playable at the end of Legion instead of void elves then the Alliance would have kept their Identity as a Light belief for the Alliance thus keeping their Light theme instead of ruining it. Seems Blizzard just want to ruin what once was of the Warcraft universe and twist it.

Dark powers is more fitting to be part of the Horde, so San’layn and void user race seems more fitting for the Horde as they have that history with fel and and more Barbaric and survival at all cost and kept the Alliance Light theme as that was their Origin. But that Old Horde theme has also been twisted also by Blizzard. And now both Factions are unrecognizable so the “For the Horde” and “For the Alliance” has no meaning anymore…

All we High elf fans is asking for is for the “Loyal” Alliance High elves to be playable that has through out history of Warcraft stayed and fought with their Alliance allies no matter what and been there long before Blood elves joined the Horde, everywhere in Vanilla/classic what did you see in Alliance, High elves here and there in Alliance areas. And that mind set has never changed for them, they will fight and die for the Alliance and that has a “big meaning”, a big story. Even the High elves in Dalaran choosed to stay in Dalaran with their Human allies when their King order them home after the second war. And that tells alot they like working with the Humans and thye like fight side by side with humans. They believe in the Alliance, they will forever fight for the Alliance no matter what. They would never had stayed otherwise. Something Ion will never understand.