Question about game cards

I have a game card ready to activate my question is
1-it says that full version is required, is that an old thing because now you get all expansions instead of buying each one?
2-will it ever expire?

the code/card that gives you BNet balance just give balance. They tend to have some text depending which game is printed on them but it shouldn’t matter. Do note some codes give a license or things and not BNet balance - that may have requirements and won’t check out if they are not met on given account.

As for 2. There is some? When I buy one it gets activated and I get a printout. AFAIK there is some X-years long expiration or other long one.

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Good morning Clawrynx,

Does the card that you have say 60-day prepaid game time or Blizzard Balance on it? And no, those cards should never expire.

Kind regards

What’s your opinion?

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It does say 60-day prepaid
and it doesnt? thanks to both of you for the response

Hello again,

No, 60-day gametime cards should never expire.

Kind regards

What’s your opinion?

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