Quick query on monetizing Addons

Blizzard could get them on copyright or such a thing but they probably dont mind for the moment.

They may even pay Blizzard to license it!

The world today is unforgiving, and people are the worst of worst, morals don’t apply in todays world, better not ask questions. Just sit it out, and be happy you’re not the one buying.

depending on which streamer it is that you are talking about some of them actually help out the authors with coding and other things, im pretty sure nnogga of method for example helped to write in some code on weakauras that allowed for much more customisation on specific auras, making it a lot easier for players who dont know how to code themselves to be able to easily access settings and change things around.

and lets be honest if you were in a position to be able to do something like that why wouldnt you get a little bit of money out of it, and cosidering things like twitch prime exist you have the ability to get a subscription for free and therefore not have to pay any extra in order to gain access to some of the weakauras and UI elements that streamers have

It isn’t an addon, but many WA strings contain code that uses code provided by the addon. That, as far as the GPL is concerned, makes them derived work. WA strings that don’t have custom code are a bit of a grey area, though. I’d argue they are derived work still, but the case isn’t all that strong there.

Just because it is encoded as text does not make it less executable code. I mean, I can encode an .exe as text, and write a program that decodes it and executes it. This will not mean that the encoded exes are free of their original copyright and license, just because they were encoded as text and fed to another program instead of being run directly.

Yeaah… No. With WA strings, you’re using functions and method provided by the addon. That’s like going into the cinema, taking random photos of the film, and using those in your review. (Hint: for most films, that’s not legal.)

Woah hold your horses dude, the thing you are preaching is communism.
And it is dangerous.

You want everything for free and you are mad that it’s not happening.

It’s not, what someone else made was a basis for what has then been made since.
To give you an example that might be easier to relate to, you can take programming languages. Imagine someone (or multiple people) made a programming language, let’s just take HTML for example. They have made a language that can then be used to create other things. Then say i come a long, learn the language and then make a premium website, am i profiting off their work or did i make it myself?

To make an even closer analogy, imagine i wrote a program with a lot of useful features, could be anaything statistical analysis to maybe just a program for handling e-mails. Now imagine me selling this program i made. It would be moronic to argue that i owe anything to the creator or the language or to say i profit off their work, especially since it’s open to use.

If that didn’t make any sense to you then you can also imagine building a car and selling it. Did you really profit off whoever made the car part’s work?

Lastly it’s especially not charging for it, since it’s not the main selling point of the sub. Like i get people sub for different reasons, and some people might sub for WAs only, but that’s not at all what the sub is about or advertised as.
The sub is for if you wanna support the streamer, and in of itself it doesn’t really require the streamer to give anything back. So essentially you are subbing to support the streamer, and then the streamer decides to let you copy stuff he has made for himself, even though he didn’t need to, therefore it’s not selling it, it’s just something people who support him have access to.

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