i was in Mrcine and after that GM of Injustice.
Maybe some old mates lurking around here !
Dandelon, Tauren, Hunter
Flatline, Undead, Priest
i was in Mrcine and after that GM of Injustice.
Maybe some old mates lurking around here !
Dandelon, Tauren, Hunter
Flatline, Undead, Priest
wow so many good old players here!
Name: Saibot
Class: Priest (Troll)
Guilds: used to play in invictus and then MoX at start of naxx if I remember correctly, not much but rerolled by then to another server.
i remember doing alot of bg premades with grzybowski gang.
Me and Gruud <–think he was named this in invictus…we used to 2man farm baron geddon once he got sulfuras but never dropped :’(
худой, привет. напиши чего нибудь Zyxel#2432
Hi old folks of Ragnaros!
I can’t believe I haven’t found this thread sooner… So many people I recognise holy s*it!
Name: Maco
Class: Shaman
Guild: MoX
Currently playing Warrior on Shazzrah together with another guild. Having a blast!
Also have Shamer and Machaco with me that I sniped from remnants of Invictus that happened to be on the same server, thought they belonged to me since they were old MoX’ers too =)
Feel free to add me on Discord.
Wow I have missed this. I was a Gurgg taruen tank. I started out in Jugoplastica (with Mujan as GM) and then was GM myself in Nightside, and then I played with Abunai. And I remember MANY on those I played with:
Sterotype, Fordin, Lokifurian, Taipdpp, Evol, Adaria, Himura, Torgnyn, Jantha, Goslasse, Infectedmush, Enchantertim, Milessavage, Holymacaroni, Defied, Dance, Zacheus, Petlover, Cocidius, Caelian, Xtree, Kalitzburg, Amducious, Wuzzrag, Spactral, Abastra, Malyen, Zenit, Falceye, Garganech, Lethic, Infernis, Kappi, Daize, Wuzzrag, Dwishy, Nonthing, Zumbu, Cosmopolitan, Eagleeye, Kanonkulan, Camalot, Ghosthavoc, Raid, Rexhof, Khalitzburg, Arcorn, and many more.
I was never much of a PvP-er so Im on Pyrewood Village now, and even rerolled Ally, since I never was much of a stance dancer…
Edit: Came to think of a few more people.