Raider IO - Season One Recap

Your true IO Score is all the friends you’ve made along the way! :heart:

Wholesome recap :blush:


You know that the game,as you made it recent years, is not about friends but just about score, gear, stats, rank?
I played vanilla, there was the time when mattered the travel not just the end

Depends on each goals. A lot of my m+ friends and contacts started out as a “random 1.3k hunter” who applied for my +15 key and during the run I saw that he is both great as a hunter and as a player and asked him if he wants to to stay in touch and continue.

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Interesting observation. I wonder why I have many more people on my friend list now than I had in Vanilla + TBC + WotLK combined. Hmm.

Oh, I know! It’s because I do stuff outside of my guild, and add people to my network! Right. Why on earth do I do that? Oh, I know! It’s because M+ is a whole lot of fun with friends.


The ‘who you played with most’ are usually friends in most cases, so I’m not sure why the downer on friends and playing together.

Taking mine as an example, these are not randoms, I know all of them.

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Dang I will never get on your favorite list!

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That’s what I call real friends - willing to run m+ with a ret paladin!


This is a cool thread and it’s really nice seeing what other peeople have acheived, great job guys.

I just ran mine out of interest…yeah I started running M+ from like late May haha so it’s pretty woeful in comparison :slight_smile: I see all these lovely little random bars on other people and I have like a a tiny blue staircase at the end :smiley:

Most of the “best time remaining” seems to be HoA…hmmmmm! Mine is actually Sang Depth +8 with 59% of timer left apparently. I wish I could remember the run.

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I just think they are a lovely look back at what you’ve done, no matter how big or small. It’s just for fun.

I have found THE pvp vendor on week 2 apparently :clinking_glasses:

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