Random bg premades

Fair keep that urself. sure u can say against the rules but its 100% not fair.

And about blitz u sync que there also.

Are you drunk again?

Not more then u i can say.

But stop telling me all u do is cheating the que and stuff.


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Without ur friends in bgs u can’t really get much wins.

Ur solo is not impressive to start with, u just wanna get carried.


Whatever you say, dude.

It’s the truth u can’t do anything by ur own.

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Imagine peps defending premades, some peps shoud not be in these forums.

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Playing in a group is the whole purpose of MMORPGs :dracthyr_lulmao:
Queuing with up to 5 people for game content, specifically BGs has been allowed since their introduction in 2005 :dracthyr_lulmao:
You really seem to drink too much :smiley:

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No one cares about you queing up with your 2 friends. I have recently been invited to a community that is doing full on 40 MAN PREMADES, that is the issue, when you have 10 people on discord vs 10 randoms.

And for what? Why are you griefing what is meant to be a casual mode to relax and have fun?

The honour rewards are a joke, there’s much better things to do with your time.

I can’t wait for next expansion, hopefully Blitz ques will not be so long (10-15 minutes) so I will avoid premade infested random/epic BGs like the plague


Ofc it’s not against the rules but 5 peps full geared in normal bg vs randoms it’s lose.

If u think thats fair be my guest.


nobody ever speaks of the other side of this whole thing

what about the 20man teams that are not filled to 40 because sync premades just dodge q ? anyone ever remember those pesants dying at hangar 20v40 being powerless ?

And when there are no premades, the team that has the most naked people loses. :wink:

Or do you have any problem facing Pugs with 800k health that populate the Bgs when you enter with your fully geared char?

Those of you who complain about premade simply want to eliminate the fish that is bigger than you, so you can feed freely on those that are smaller.

You are just as hypocritical as those who criticize 5man premades but then you see them playing in a group and they tell you “I’m only playing with 2 friends”

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Or they play alongside the premade and thank them afterwards for doing what they do because it benefited you but will go hard and say whatever you can when it dont.

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Landing in their premades is just as bad as landing against their premades. Without doubt the most boring games I’ve ever had in my life were in or against premades, be they 10, 15 or 40 man games. Not only are the games ultra boring, but the gimps in the premades are also ultra boring… they’re the types that say weird crap like Zomg and Lollerskates… absolute weird little nerds that you would laugh at if you saw them on a street.

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criticism of 5 man premades is based

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Most premades are just a house of cards. If you know how to outplay them you can beat them easy, even farm them at graveyard. They are not good, whenever I catch any of them 1v1 they are free lunch. You guys just need to git gud and learn your class; you dont have the right to complain either since you have basically the same gear as premaders.

But there are many premade groups and they are very easy to deal with. Outplay them and give them a good beating until they cant take it anymore eventually they will leave the BG.

Maybe u are based.

Every time this idiot lose against me:



Seriously man, go out and get some fresh air, you need it. You’re going to have a heart attack at any moment, between your weight and the anger attacks. Your blood pressure must be bursting.


You however, are not based. You are the screenshot guy. omegalul dele

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