Random bg premades

I wasn’t even in that BG. I fight premades every day, but I am consistent with what I say and do. I’m not an anti-premade activist and then they catch me playing in one, unlike you, who attack me for playing in groups of 2-5 players and then you are seen in synchronized Russian raids premades.

Lets remember your own words:

And then:


Let it be visible the kind of :clown_face: you are.


U guys can stop saying go blitz if u don’t want premade, u never get in when u get to high mmr so it’s not an option. when i que blitz there is not even a w8 time becouse nobody playing at that mmr.

I can sit solo shuffle but i already doing that, it’s something that’s fun when it’s no premades.

That still counts as above average by random bg standards. :joy:

TLDR of my text: Groups of up to 5 are fine and belong into this game mode, deal with it.

Speaking of single groups, yes, absolutely.
When people ask you to stop with the syncing, they just want you to play by the rules, so that’s something different.

In the very specific case that you have one friend and one of you is a healer and the other a dps. As a group of 3 to 5 random bg, epic bg and brawls are your only option.

Btw, I see players who usually play in random bg premades quite frequently in blitz aswell.

Random bgs have a mix of undergeared players, fully geared premades, and everything in between, so it’s neither.

Yes we do, what’s the highest blitz round you played mmr wise?

The MMr changes constantly. There are times when I enter at 2200 and the next time it puts me at 1800 and then goes back to 2200.

When there are no people from your MMR, it puts you in a lower one.

As soon as the fight started I interrupted him 4 polymorphs and the frost ring (On the fifth attempt he managed to polymorph me). Lies have very short legs. xD


Is there anyone actually above 2.2k mmr? I kept winning on that rating and was put in lower teams afterwards.

I never had above 2.2k neither, so I’m not sure. Maybe 2.2k is the maximum for the moment.

Well i’m at the mmr when u can’t get in, maybe at later day with an extreamly long que.

Was wondering the same with the Blitz MMR, I played multiple blitz brawls per week the last weeks and my highest MMR was 2269 if I remember correctly but then I came always into lower groups around 2000-2100~MMR even when I won.
Guess it really works like Delenis says, if there are not enough people at your MMR you automatically get mixed with lower MMR.

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lemme help you out:


Everyone who writes on the forum plays in the premades. They have premade and discord communities. They queue up according to commands from the chat (yes, this is an accident) They write - thank you for the good game. Level 100 impudence “I can play in the premade, but everyone else can’t” and they don’t even hide it. Your complaints about premades are ridiculous

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This is an awesome fight right there!
And I can see quite a few interrupts, well done Dele!
Drivenscope is pretty much a mad child who uses the forums to complain when his premade gets stomped by other premades (small **** energy?); maybe joining the double premade on russian horde is the way to win every Bg?
Tbh - join whatever group you want, but don’t come here to complain about premades??
I have seen pretty much EVERYONE who complains about premades here on the forums, playing in a group themselves.
Doesn’t your brain realise that there’s something wrong in doing that?
Can’t take any of you serious, you simply lie and twist the situations depending on your needs.
You can’t stop premades, feels like they are actually keeping the game alive right now.
Play with your friends, let others do the same, stop complaining if you lose a random Bg and get on with your life.


Rofl… Distorted reality

Wow… that is one bold and extremely deluded statement right there :rofl:

It probably feels that way to them as they see their opposition becomes fewer and fewer as each week passes, as their queue times rise to the point there’s only themselves, a bunch of bots and a few new players who haven’t realised yet, not to bother, still left queueing for them.

To be fair, I think Pandora is right. Friendship and communities keeps this game alive. Not playing solo alone. And theres many people in our communities, and even more people as randos who loves and enjoy playing on both sides.

I get, that a handfull of people yell up on the forums, but what you might not realise is, you’re still the minority nonetheless.

Only a handful of the people who play the bg’s look on the forums and the rest just doesn’t even come on here. Nobody wants to get stomped, and the Alliance instance chat is full of people crying about your premade again and again. And don’t pretend you don’t see the whole enemy team leaving and new ppl coming into a losing game.

People play how they want to, solo, with friends or whatever, but what you do is simply not allowed. Has been said already many times but you don’t care. What you do is taking the fun away for both sides and this does NOT keep the game alive.


Ngl, its interesting to read that syncers truly believe they are the reason PvP is alive while in reality they make way more ppl quit. Wouldnt be surprised if they made more ppl quit than they have in their communities combined. Sad state.

Then reading when syncers outright lie, deflect or try to talk like they do it less than what they actually do is just hilarious. Its how you realise how far down they have gone and how much they love the feel of stomping and destroying whats left of casual PvP.


And the same people cheer the moment you switch side and win for them instead :slight_smile: Its the way of the game. No one likes to lose.

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I don’t know why I even respond anymore since you clearly always have some kind of bull**** answer ready to justify what you are doing and don’t want to stop with it whatsoever.
I and many more ppl don’t at all mind to lose if the game is fairly played, which is in your case never. You can save your smileys and lying for inside your community, we here are not susceptible for it.


please dont dispel my vt

To be fair, you guys keep saying that queue syncing is “illegal”, but this is not stated anywhere by Blizzard. And technically, since it’s not stated anywhere, it’s most likely “legal”. Synced premade leaders constantly get reported by haters, perhaps Blizzard would have done something about this already if it was “illegal”, no?
I agree, it is annoying to face a synced raid, can be extremely frustrating.
But I don’t know where you find the confidence in calling it “illegal” with such certainty.