Random Dungeon Finder

please introduce RDF before pre-patch ends. The new lfg tool is just not feel right. One of the reasons i couldnt wait to lvl in wrath is because RDF, and i know it was not at the start but why not ? its rewarding when u complete the dungeon (so encourages ppl to stay unlike the new LFG system where u can just leave and there is no penalty for u but the other 4 ppl get their time wasted.), and its fair as well cause encourages ppl to play tank or healer. I never found a single player who doesnt want RDF while i am lvling in pre-patch. most of us hate questing for 70 lvls and the new lfg doesnt help at all. Most of us we want to be able to log in the game press RDF and wait untill we get teleported to the dungeon. we dont want to talk to ppl to inv us in a group to do a dungeon.


RDF was the downfall of this game back in the days, I remember very clearly what the public opinion was :slight_smile: so thank you but no thank you. I’d rather socialize, make a group, go directly to the dungeon entrance and enjoy my wotlk experience yet again.

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Sorry to say you’re about 15 years to late. There is no going back to how we played before RDF first was introduced.

So just another sheep then? How about you try and make your own opinions based on your own experiences instead?


Sure man, whatever you say :slight_smile:

That’s it, was, not anymore.

That was very constructive, thanks !

If you want a real post All anti-RDF arguments are outdated - WoW Classic / Wrath of the Lich King Classic Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)

RDF never was the downfall of this game back in the days. It’s a myth and a very poor / shallow analysis. You also have to consider time, how the gaming community and various games changed during this time as a whole.


RDF was good only because questing became atrocious in TBC and the following expansions. It was the way to skip that god awful experience and end up to raiding less painfully.

But, even though RDF lets you to skip bad content it’s not any better option. Just equally bad in a different way. You would have a choice of either playing World of Chorecraft or World of Instancecraft before entering the raiding environment. I’m not in favor for either.


rdf was a mistake, btfo to retail and spam rdf there

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You do have the option to btfo to vanilla era and play without RDF there you know.

Such a crappy argument…

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Its not even an argument.

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True that of course.

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