Ranged SV would make SO many players happy

its rather 3 hunters who play surv now ^^

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Maybe 3 out of 1000 hunters

I completely respect that some players like current survival
 but it’s absolutely ridiculous to argue that it’s a popular spec.

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Not the Survival we are asking for

It is on the contrary brilliant, something innovative from blizzard finally: make a melee class out of the most played ranged one, such as Spriest out of most played healer (some expansions ago)

Seems like you have your own very biased opinion about SV and think you represent ‘‘90%’’ of hunters. While people may want the old SV back, MSV is surely a fun and cool spec for atleast 50% of ppl. When survival gets buffs, popularity is gonna skyrocket.

Survival has been the top performing hunter spec on several occasions since the start of Legion. It’s popularity never “skyrocketed” as a result.

Except that, SV has been, on several occasions (both legion and BFA) the simcrafted best dps. In Nighthold famously SV was for example the best dps out of the three specs. And yet, it was still the least played spec in the game.

Unironically the only buff that’d make it more played would be to buff it to be ranged again. And it’s not that far from it even, lol. Wildfire bomb is a worse explosive shot, for example.

I have absolutely no idea what are you on about, but Shadowpriest is -literally- a casebook example of why Legion class design was wrong. Shadow priest is atm way more popular than it was in either Legion or BFA.

Yes, voidform was unique. So unique that it was impossible to balance, and it was either too strong or too weak. It was, in fact, so unique, that people just left their beloved class of some 12+ years for greener pastures when shadow went from a perfectly functional strong-dot with a mix of strong burst abilities into a ramp-up mess in a game where ramp-up damage has never since Vanilla worked out well.

And whaddyaknow. We banged the drums. We screamed for four years at the devs to rework the spec, spammed their twitter feed and invaded the forums. And what do you know. Shadow is nowadays hailed as one of the most solid specs gameplay wise, so much so that even when it has arguably the blandest and weakest legendaries, that doesn’t bother people because the spec is so solid on it’s own it does not need borrowed power to function.

Meanwhile survival remains a niche spec for niche people. Game design isn’t done for the 1%, it’s done for the majority.

Classes designed around gimmicks are bad. See outlaw rogues, survival hunters and demonology warlocks for proof: All of them are at the bottom of representation because Blizzard butchered perfectly functional and okay specs just to make something unique.

A square wheel is very unique but it is dumb all the same.

I just hope everyone will regret the(ir) simple minded fight against current Survival. Once Blzzard changes it back to ranged and ruins the spec even worse than you can imagine now.
Then you can all happily dance on its corpse and circlejrk over what you achieved while playing MM and BM.


it is a corpse right now, its a meme spec, bottom dps in m+, bottom dps in raid

the only thing surv was good at was pvp and they taken even that!

how people can say its ok as it is, rework is needed adding there are more melee specs in the game and less ranged, oh well

I love playing SV as melee but it needs alot of fixing. ALOT. I’d love to see more options like making dual wield weapons a viable option. Remove the ranged options again and bring in someting new and exciting that fits the melee playstyle. Unpruning the ranged hunter options like arcane shot was weird and confusing af.

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Hahaha, it’s the opposite, you and 3 other hunters are playing meme melee spec.

Survival was the best performing spec during nighthold and during uldir, and yet almost no one played it. Melee hunter should not exist.

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I like my SV melee spe.


Because there’s no real argument against MSV other than “I miss RSV” and/or “I don’t like MSV”.


It was. Top guilds used sv hunter on mythic guldan too. In uldir it was the best performing spec. Just almost no one played it because it sucks.

So i guess warcraft logs just lied to me then ?
Are u one of these dude who dont believe in statistics ?
The spec wasn’t “the best”, period. but definitely viable for sure

And to be fair yes why would anyone play SV at nighhold when DH one button spam was smashing the meters ?
SV was the clunkiest spec at the time
Most ppl will always choose ez fotm spec

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He means best hunter spec clearly, which is absolutely the case. Survival was significantly better than BM/MM on Uldir farm yet has 4.9k logs to BM’s 49k. And this was a period where survival was absolutely dominant by a significant margin.

Even when it’s extremely strong, practically nobody plays it.

Definitely not bottom dps in m+, one of the best aoe dps for sure.

Survival barrier to entry is much larger than MM or BM, you actually have to think what you press and know how to play. That’s probably why the representation is so low. No facts, just my opinion.

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I guess I’m the 2nd one then. Where is the 3rd?

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I would play it if it wasn’t as bad as it is right now .
I mean i love the spec but why is it so bad. Just look at the logs on different mythic down , SV hunters are like 1k behind every spec :confused:

Make it a new spec, or make it so survival is the ranged spec, and something like tracker is the melee.

Winner winner chicken dinner.

Literally nobody loses, aside from blizzard having to do their jobs, if you can call that losing.