Rate shaman name above

Ranrah the runic of waters? I would rate it 7/10 because it somehow fitting yet unusual.

Hmm…not really sure about this one…sounds to asian inspired to me to be related to the more rural ways of the shaman. Maybe I’m reading it wrong? “Kit-surge”?

10/10 You Warhammer Nerd :smiley:

Sorry but that is a 6/10 ‘punny’ not funny name, passable but not very original

Reminds of the Klingon moon Praxis… do you explode stuff as well… Kinda apt for a Goblin lol 9/10

9/10, if your transmog is gladiator themed then it’s 10/10 : )

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I like it ! seem trollish to me ^^ 9/10 !

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I don’t like such names. 4/10 sorry mate