Rate shaman name above

Pretty orcish but makes me think of an arms warrior- 6/10
Reminds me of Eliaquim Mangala, and he's a pretty bad defender in Football :P

01/06/2018 22:08Posted by Durbi
Reminds me of Eliaquim Mangala, and he's a pretty bad defender in Football :P


Your name sounds like something you'd name a Jack Russel Terrier. 6/10.
04/06/2018 12:20Posted by Matriarch
01/06/2018 22:08Posted by Durbi
Reminds me of Eliaquim Mangala, and he's a pretty bad defender in Football :P


Your name sounds like something you'd name a Jack Russel Terrier. 6/10.


Its actually pretty cool, Bonus Points for the fact you managed to get it spelt correctly with no funny letters :).. :D
Sounds like a mix between a Shaman, and a Sandwich. I rate you 7/10 sir!
Shaman and fabulous? Good name nonetheless and not awkward to call out in discord, 9/10!
Cool name for a shaman, even better of you're resto.
And yeah I managed to get this name
Atlas... I think it fits very well for a shaman! 9.99/10

Restoration shaman Predator/Salty/Elder Reaction at your service! If I'm sluggish I use Elder title to convey the message that I'm not paying 100% attention.
Not proactive enough - 7/10
I don't know if it fits ork. It's a bit strange.

Not a mega fan of names constructed by a full sentence...

I rate you 4/10, sorry mate
Not bad 7/10
Iam a sucker for anything lightning related 9/10
14/10/2018 22:09Posted by Jarhæd
Iam a sucker for anything lightning related 9/10

I rate you 7/10
9/10, quite like the name.
8/10 sounds a little like Khaz'goroth (and his hammer)
It's like namin your demon hunter "illidian" sir. 4/10
I'm not really sure how I feel the "psy" fits a shaman. Not at all actually. Maybe taking your mog into consideration, but it is just not for me. Sry
