Rate the character name above you

2/10. I dont like that kind of names in this game.

I… BEG your pardon???What kind of lady do you think I am!!!

I sir! Am offended and I demand my honour be restored by the next poster!

(After he or she rates Delenis)

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7/10 Cool sounding, but very generic.

Good name. 8/10

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Cute name for a cute panda. 9/10 easily.

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Fitting name for a gnome witch.

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Would say 10/10 if you were in fire spec, alas as a frost mage its 9/10 im afraid

I think it fits really well to a human and especially to a strong warrior, but in my opinion the second “a” sounds a bit off, so 9/10 ^^

Your name has a nice sinister tone to it. 9/10

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Tribal troll name , 8/10

Name from a decent horror movie, pretty good - not quite fitting forca druid though so 8/10

Stoic name. Signifies strength and suits a Warrior. 8/10.

I swapped Neverwinter for Azeroth years ago - its more peaceful

I don’t believe you about the peacfull part… But
9/10 for honoring the Royal family of Neverwinter!

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Oddly enough, i had a paladin alt years ago called Aribeth

Sounds strong, with old roots. Fits really well for Human Warrior.


Dhalgar. A fitting name for a Dwarf Shaman. I like it. 10/10

Sounds perfect for a night elf - 10/10

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Rex is a good old Doggy name so works on a Worgen.
The Zor hints at razors so sharp and cutting, works on a rogue.

But together it does sound a bit Orcy though so 9/10.

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I wouldn’t trust this rogue up above.

She does have a bit of fantasy, so 7/10.