You look more like a rogue than a monk , still a nice set tho
Very simple, but it doesn’t really match for me. 4/10
Hey Zhurong I like your mog and it fits you very well but i really dont dig the Panda ^-^ 7/10 because of Panda
Sorry i posted on my alt Dk xD
8/10. I like how you went a bit off the reservation, compared to the usual IRNINJA! variations most seem to use. I just dusted this guy off, so a bit behind the times. Still need the Mythic boots from Xavius, but figured I’d go with a bit of a darker theme.
I like that set it’s great but 1. It’s a full set and 2. It’s a rogue set and sadly it’s nowhere near monk-ish. Going to have to give you a 5/10
Son, you really need to get yourself a shirt and your boots are giving me the stink eye. But I do like your choice of 1x 1h weapon
Did you get a rating, Alewin? I can’t tell.
Either way the colors of the central part of your mog fit well together, but the sword, hat and boots look off.
I’d give you a 7/10, good start.
How’s mine?
Tabard matches really well, tho’ I think you could look more epic with the Mythic raid version of that set!
We look so similar!
Demonic Glad for the win
obviously a 10/10
9/10 this is a nice set
Hmm, 6.5/10.
Chest, belt and weapon choice, not my cup of tea =/
5/10, overall decent but the mis-matching chest and legs bring it down.
Maybe I’d change the pants, but overal I actually quite like it. A solid 7, 7.5/10.
8/10. Good coloration choices.
Very “classic” for a NPC monk retired from the Serenity Peak…
But weapon puts me off, 6.5/10
Kinda edgy but I like it, the Venthyr fist weapons would fit more. 7/10
Anyways, Worgen Monk when?
I like it, it’s clean, 8/10.
beautiful weapons but everything else does not seem to match P.S. Shave your chest xD 6.5/10